(no subject)

Oct 22, 2009 06:08

Well I've been having a doozy of a time figuring this one out. I wanna app my third character (effectively last until something crazy happens and/or Bioshock 2 comes out). I've effectively narrowed it down to three people, so I thought "hey, polls are cool." and here we are!

Poll Who should Jeff app?

Sonic the Hedgehog
"What you see is what you get! Just a guy who loves adventure! I'm Sonic the Hedgehog!"
I'm pretty sure you all know who this is, but just in case, lemme explain. A super fast hedgehog with spikes of blue, the ability to run in excess of the speed of sound, and a razor-sharp wit that would make Spider-Man chuckle and go "that guy's pretty clever." A hero by all definitions, Sonic first and foremost loves freedom and adventure and hates oppression. He fights the evil Dr. Robotnik, who wants to take over the world and use the fluffy adorable animals of the world as batteries for his evil machines. Yes, it's an enviromental message. Sonic was apparently a hippie in the 90s, who knew.

Some footage of him being awesome: I couldn't decide, so here's the Sonic Adventure 2 opening, in which he breaks out of a helicopter, and the Sonic Unleashed opening, where he beats the crap out of everything for 3 minutes, then the video takes a sharp turn downwards, so you can just stop about 3 minutes in.

Samus Aran
Orphaned by the Space Pirates and their fiendish leader Ridley at the age of 3 and raised from that point on by the Chozo to become a protector of peace, Samus is a bounty hunter who fights the Space Pirates, Metroid, and that one clone of herself that scared the crap out of all of us in Fusion. Steadfastly devoted to protecting the galaxy from fiends like the Space Pirates, Samus is definitely a hero. Her abilities include enhanced atheletic ability thanks to the Chozo DNA infused in her body, and her Power Suit, which on a bad day is probably capable of about as much destruction as an M1 Abrams Tank and on a good day is capable of blowing a space dragon into little bite-sized space dragon chunks.

Some footage of her being awesome: Metroid: Other M trailer.

Alex Mercer
(Spoiler Free) An amnesiac sufferer of the "Blacklight" virus, Alex woke up in the morgue of a genetic research company called GENTEK, and quickly realized several things; 1) GENTEK and pretty much the entire United States Military really had hoped he'd stayed dead and like making this known. With bullets. 2) A virus is raging through the city, basically turning people into the zombies from 28 Days Later. 3) He is goddamn pissed off. Alex immediately sets off on a quest for both answers as to what the hell happened to him and revenge on whoever did this to him and the people of Manhattan. Unlike the above two, Alex is definitely, definitely not a hero. Hell, even Anti-Hero is a bit charitable for this guy. For most of the game he's a revenge-obsessed sociopath who not only has very little problem consuming people for health, but will do it in the most greusome ways imaginible. Fists? Punch them to a bloody pulp first. Claws? Skewer them. Whipfist? Throw them into the air, grab them by the head and snap them back down. Blade? Cut them in half. Hammerfist? Push their head into their chest cavity. While at the end of the day, he's basically trying to do the right thing by saving the city from the virus and taking down the godawfully corrupt GENTEK and Blacklight, he's got a boatload of anger issues that the game gleefully suggests you take out on everybody in Manhattan. His powers include greatly enhanced strength, speed, agility, gliding, shapeshifting his body into various weapons, shields and armor, and consuming people to disguise himself as them, gain stamina, and gain all of their memories and knowledge.

Footage of him being awesome: You could buy Prototype and play it for about five minutes to get a feel for this, but the intro trailer and this gameplay video do a good job summarizing it.

Somebody else.

Do you have a suggestion? Well, don't leave me hangin', man!

And that's about it! Thank you for taking your part in the democratic process.

EDIT: Man, Samus just went and ran away with this one; she got more than Alex and Sonic combined. Maybe I'll pick up one of those two if having three characters doesn't totally crush me though. Who knows. Thanks for the help, guys!

poll, who to app

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