Sep 28, 2009 11:38

Thanks to Toast being a horrible enabler, I've decided that yes, I am going to try to app Kyle Rayner.

Here's the problem: I have never read any DC comics in my entire goddamn life.

Well, okay. that's a lie. I've read:

- The entirety of Sandman
- The Long Halloween
- Hush
- Some scattered GLC stuff that Toast has been shoving at me.

The more I've been trying to wikibinge to get the proper information I need, the more I'm realizing that there is a huge amount of very intimidating information out there D: And I'm a bit of a perfectionist. It took me about a full year before I felt ready to play Starscream anywhere, and his canon is smaller than Kyle's. Significantly so.

falkjsd what am I, I can play people from House of Leaves, but give me comic books and I flip tables everywhere.

S-so, DC cast, what I'm looking for is this: A crash course in the DC universe. Particularly as it relates to Kyle, but anything is good. It needs to be quick, easy for me to digest, and get me a feel for how everyone knows each other and wtf has gone on over the past few years.

No worries I'm still going to try to archive binge, particularly if I can find a torrent with a lot of DCU.

okay that's out of the way ONTO ROBOT STUFF

Inspired by Alba posting about Dancitron, I'd like to clear up some things about StarWave Industries (and I'll put this on Screamerfais' journal soon orz) as I've realized that I'm way behind on CR of all kinds.

Mostly becuase I have too much shit going on in my real life grad school apps what are you.

So, first, StarWave. It's a small, independent tech company currently specializing in robotics and IT stuff. Mostly, they do contracting. The stuff they're known for are the BARK and MEOW, which are cute animals you can hook up to your iPod; robotic seeing eye dogs, and highly specialized prosthetic limbs. Yes, really. They also probably make robots that sniff out mines, robots that can stock shelves, basic utility things. In addition, they do strong AI programming for robotics, and this is something they're probably known for doing very, very well; as well as robots that are capable of multiple modes and functions. The fact that they have walking robots is Kind of a Big Deal (anyone in robotics will tell you that making the damn things walk properly and stably is a Problem.)

Somewhat more under-the-table is weapons contracting, which Starscream does under a fake name with a fake company to very shady people. This is stuff like design schematics for mech armor and laserguns. He hasn't done a large contract recently becuase of the whole incident with Korea - he's got the impression that someone is watching him, and he doesn't want their attention.

SO what I need from you guys:

- Employees. Anyone want to work for a morally ambiguous tech company that isn't the other two morally ambiguous tech companies???
- Clients. I know a while back Demona wanted laserguns (Is she even still in the game? D: [/s-so behind] and that Seto Kaiba wanted hologram disks (Starscream delivered the prototypes, btw, and they work marvelously.) Does anyone else want to do business with StarWave?

*crawls back off to do job apps*

fail, jenteal is the tealest deer in all the l, jenteal is a space robot, starscream is a disney princess, teal is a failure

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