it could be a meme, I guess

Jun 12, 2009 14:37

Kitty here, posting with her srs scientist journal with a srs scientific question on this lovely Friday.

What are your feelings on headcanon?

See, in my years of rping I've realized that there are two camps when it comes to headcanon. There are some people who love it because it fills in the gaps that canon left, usually leaving their character rounder as a result. Others flail and beat you with flaming torches if you deviate from canon.

What levels of headcanon do you believe in, if you embellish on established canon at all? Examples of the levels of headcanon!

Light: Ultimate!Bruce rarely remembers to eat, which is one of the main reasons his weight has been well under 120 for years. The only reason he's not bones is that he has a sweet tooth and eats jellybeans and gummybears by the handfuls.

Medium: Ultimate!Bruce names his lab mice after classic television characters. Current roster in the City: Lucy Ricardo, Doogie Houser, Marcia Brady, Ponch, Richie Cunningham, Dorothy, Rose, Sophia, and Blanche.

Extra-Spicy: since Ult!Bruce's family life is never canonically delved into, I assume that it follows the same lines as 616!Bruce Banners parents---which, if you know his canon, is assuming a lot. TL;DR: Daddy killed Mommy because Mommy loved little!Bruce too much. Then he told little!Bruce to lie in court or he'd go to hell.

Does that make sense? I'm really interested in hearing what other people think about headcanon. Personally, I usually write up headcanon lists for my characters, which helps me play them---but rarely sees its way into gameplay because of my fear of what other people believe when it comes to headcanon.

So do you add things here and there? Are you a canon purist? Where do you draw the line? IF YOU HAVE HEADCANON, I WANT TO HEAR IT. I think what people add to their characters is just fascinating.

fff and just so this post isn't completely babbling uselessness, have this.

here kitty kitty kitty, someone else tag this, this post is illogical, kitty fails at memes apparently

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