This is all Jill's fault. All of it.

Jun 06, 2009 16:51

Anyone who's talked to me about comics for more than five minutes, well, I make it no secret that I'm in it for the villains. I judge heroes by how they handle their antagonists and I seek out the nuances behind the philosophy and psychology of what makes a person behave a certain way. It's fun.

There's a huge variety of people with moral ambiguity within comics. Some of it is done very, very well. Some of it... Not so much. But it's a variety I can appreciate, for multiple reasons. Because, let's face it, not every villain is going to be idealistic or actually capable. The dangerous ones will attract the big gun heroes. The relatively comical ones will tend to get a miniseries that's an offshoot of Final Crisis.


... Here we have Human Flame, who recently got his ass served by Heatwave (what a hothead) and now he's getting served puns not even I would touch by Condiment King.

HOW is C K alive? I really do not know.

All of these need to be apped. Especially Phoney Baloney.

And on the other spectrum of evil:

So I don't know if you noticed, but these guys are srs bsns. Shock value aside, that's really all they are: srs bsns. The Big Bad Baddies.

Personally, neither extreme really floats my villainous boat. One's a joke and the other's so horribly evil you sort of just plead for the karmic countdown to start. Both risk running a gimmick.

My favorite? This:

That's Jeanette with Deadshot, for those of you who don't obsess over read SECRET SIX. Both are selfish, ruthless, morality failures; but they possess dimension. Yes, I realize exhibiting one scan and claiming dimension is counterproductive, so go read the series! Or don't, but really, it's a wonderful book. My point is, they've got complexities and feelings and fears and hopes. Thus far, they have been treated as well-rounded characters. As far as instrumental evil goes, these two are still people, something more than just a codename. And that's what I like to explore.

Yeah, I was really bored, thanks for asking.

shut up and app condiment king already, comics, sara actually has a riddlecane, r.i.p. crazy quilt

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