Arella, get a hobby.

May 17, 2009 19:22

Okay guys so I have this book.

It's called What Your Birthday Reveals About You, and it contains 366 different profiles, facts, and 'who else was born this day' information about each day of the year. Yeah, it's derpy, shut up. I enjoy this stuff.

I have dorked myself out with looking up various muns and character birthdays in it. I have even typed up ones for some of YOU guys. And so I'm now going to offer the following derpy funtimes. I refuse to say this is a meme since I'm going to be typing up all this stuff myself.

- Include their birthday.
- If you don't know, feel free to make something up, but god only knows what you'll get.
- I will reply with the entire profile they give in the book for that day.
- Laugh your ass off at how wrong or right it is, and what celebrities were born that day too.
- I will go as fast as I can? THEY ARE LONG. But I will get them all done.

Totally getting all these done tomorrow. But for now, BED TIME. D:

fail, ahsoifasihf, what is this even, i refuse to admit this is a meme, *points to eyes; points to your asses*, all the tags are stupid guys, hey who's tagging my posts, arella likes shiny things

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