5D's canon is on the best drugs

May 13, 2009 03:23

Hey, remember all that stuff about exploding into rainbows and riding unicorns and lions and taunting monkeys stuff from 5D's?

We had another genre swap. Now we have ghost zombies and obsessive dead girlfriends.

So right now we're in the Good Guys vs. Bad Guys arc. We started off with five bad guys. One died, but he got replaced, so the total was six.

Of those six, four are dead. All four of them were guys. This leaves us with THE HOT CHICKS.

This chick used to be a news reporter. Now she kills people.

This... ... ... I honestly have no idea what's really going on here, but basically he? Is supposed to be one of our heroes. Like. Main character hero. Showed up in the first episode kinda deal.



This is what's on the other side of the rainbow, kids. Not gold. Fucking zombie ghosts. Who hate you.

Basically this is olesia's way of saying "hey guys come watch my canon and give me sexy ambiguously evil but always batshit castmates."

my fandom can kick your fandom's ass, obsession is an art form, godzilla loev tokyo, artists with a room full of blow, needs more explosions, mocking characters is my middle name, rides unicorns and explodes, my kngdom for an ian, 5d's is the batshit canon, go back to bed, but why is she getting naked?, i'm a guardian of an entire planet, crack is called crack for a reason, what is this god damn crack, pointless crap, blame olesia for everything forever, abusing tags forever, doom is upon us, goddamn ctrl key this is the sixth time, how many tags is this again?, hideous, narwhals, irrelevant post, my parents are deeaaaad, fucking robots get out, what is this monstrocity, olesia is the worst person, this is what happens when you don't tag, godwin weeps, sexytime is one of the tags?, i will end you and all you love

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