I'm terrible.

May 10, 2009 19:52

You know what I haven't done here yet? I haven't posted a meme. Nor have I butchered your time-management for the evening/week.

Therefore, I bring you:

The TvTropes Meme

The rules are simple:

1)Click on the above link.
2)Post here with your characters or a Trope.
3)People respond with applicable Tropes or examples from C&C. For example, Starscream would, of course, be The Starscream. Alternatively, a thread might be titled Crowning Moment of Awesome, C&C Edition, and examples of awesomeness from the game would be given.
4)Everybody has fun and feels good!


ETA: Oh, and while I'm at it: everyone who wants in on the Boom-De-Yada song, let me know. It'll be sung near the end of the musical, so there's lots of time to write your character's little parts.

meme, jesse likes attention, hideous, tv tropes will ruin your life

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