Better than the antibiotics anyway!

Mar 20, 2009 10:49

So I'm now on doctor's orders to harass all of you.
No seriously... I went to the doctor this morning as my three-week-long bad cough got way worse. Turns out I have the starting stages of pneumonia and I'm now on some heavy meds for it. Don't worry, I'll be fine - I'm in bed and drinking plenty of fluids. I even have some Hello Kitty tissues to make me feel better.
But my doctor asked what it would take for me to just not get up at all for awhile, and I mentioned you guys. He wrote on the note "Harass members of the RPG". So I am UNDER DOCTOR'S ORDERS. *POKES YOU ALL CONSTANTLY*

But really, I'm going to be stuck in bed with the laptop for many, many days. So either give me ideas for artwork to do, or your character phrases/quotes/nicknames/etc for me to turn into nice little text icons. I'll need to keep myself busy as I have a hard time not cleaning the apartment. - With the art suggestions, please be as specific as possible when it comes to the characters, giving exact names so I don't feel so stupid for not knowing them. ;__;

♥ you all.
And before anyone says it, I know when to rest and take care of myself - I promise I won't put roleplaying before health, mmk? XD

On another note: I enjoyed my first major plot here.

Before anyone goes "ARE YOU ACTUALLY GOING TO DO MY ART?!", yes, I am. However I've decided to hold off on posting them all individually, and wait until I finish them all and post them in a new post. Why? Because there's quite a few others that have nothing to do with this post that will be going up anyway. XD You'll get your art, I promise!

arts, ari says whut?

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