Nov 27, 2011 19:45

...since we've seen a character poll, that is.

but yeah remember how way back when (like a few days ago herp) i said that i'm dropping the game but not for good? yeah. well, i have character ideas and i need your help with regards to which of them i should app. so please, help me out and vote and...we'll see if i actually listen to this poll by the time i re-app into the game.




ariel: for those of you living under a rock or possibly under the sea too idk THIS IS ARIEL. she is a quirky little mermaid who likes human stuff and wants to be a part of our world as you can see. if i play her, i will take her from before her transformation so i can have her derp around and ~shenanigans~ and also talk because dammit i want her to talk. i have vague ideas as to what her powers could be, and idk this place could use someone to cute it up a little more. and oh yeah she's sixteen i have to constantly remind myself...

esmeralda: she's a character from a film that disney would probably like you to forget because they really fucked up what could have been an awesome film but i digress. and here's a clip for y'all to watch. she's pretty chill and is all about justice for her people and she also dabbles in witchcraft except she really doesn't. oh and she also gets felt up by old farts in churches because this is a kids movie! she's actually one of my favourite disney heroines, and the fact that she's nice but also knows how to doll out the snark and pack a wallop makes her pretty fun. and she doesn't wear shoes. ever!

chel: is from a movie some people might not remember, and those that do remember, remember it fondly. her only wish is to serve the gods and by that i mean con the shit out of the people of el dorado with two spaniards who don't sound spanish at all. she's another cool character, not a disney one but still a nostalgic gal nevertheless, and i feel like she'd be a fun addition to the game. she's a snarker, a sidekick in a movie full of sidekicks (because let's face it, the road to el dorado is a movie about characters who would normally be sidekicks in any other film) and another favourite character of mine. also dem hips.

isabela: totally breaks the nostalgic streak i had going here but whatev whatev. she's a pirate, a captain of a wrecked ship and ngl she is just so cool i have a horrendous crush on her. she has sex with ALL THE PEOPLE except not with as many as you think, and she's the champion of ferelden's bosom buddy which totally means something in that universe. the only thing that makes me uneasy about apping her is that i don't have a decent amount of knowledge of the world she lives in, but i really do adore her and i also feel she'll get a lot out of this city. though she'll probably try to hightail it to the sea as soon as possible if she can get access to a ship. oh, and she also doesn't like to wear pants. tis a good day.
and that about wraps things up!

polls are all around us, poll, pollpollpoll, sam the redhead decided to make a tag, help me gds you're my only hope, help i cannot make decisions

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