Y'know, this isn't half bad. I mean, I get the weird looks, but none of the screaming and running- which is great. Would hate to hold my breath every time I walk down the street.
I'm a reporter. Language is part of the trade. [A tiny smirk.] Sorry. This will sound kinda weird -- or maybe not, I don't know -- but it was a shock to see another big headed alien that isn't, in fact, the man I've been seeing for the past couple of months.
Paul. Sorry, Roxanne, didn't mean to call you out on the look on your face.
So, you're seeing another big-headed alien? Good on you. Where's the guy from?
...Wait. More importantly, how'd a reporter end up with an alien? You'd think if a reporter got their hands on one of us space dudes, she wouldn't start by dating the guy- she'd probably report the hell out of it on the 9 o' clock news, and pass us on to the government.
Paul. Nice and-- mundane there. But, no -- I can own it. You surprised me. Just not for the usual set of reason.
[Digs about in wallet, pulls out little news clipping, and briefly unfolds it -- MEGAMIND BEHIND BARS it announces, with said big headed alien there in black and white.]
Doesn't really do him justice, but that's him. As for where he's from -- Your guess is as good as any of ours. He's a last-of-his-kind sort of deal. He could you tell you more, maybe.
[She tucks the clipping away and then says,]
He's a reformed villain.
[A beat, as she consiers.]
And our relationship is -- complicated. But in a good way.
Last of his kind? Man, that's rough. Charming picture.
[And a shrug]
Well, sure. Relationships are complicated to begin with. You got one with a reformed villain who happens to be an alien. Gotta hand it to ya, Roxanne, you got yourself one hell of a situation there. Something tells me you don't like things to be ordinary, so yeah. I can see how it works out for ya in the end.
He sounds like an interesting guy. Wouldn't mind getting to know him either.
Only one I had in my wallet when I was dragged across dimensions.
But, yeah, that's Megamind in a nutshell. Something a little sideways from ordinary. But still, he can be remarkably-- normal.
[A little shrug; she's happy, it's all good. But Paul? This is a new shiny thing to learn about, and the reporter in her wants a story.]
So I'm guessing you're not exactly the last of yours. And I doubt Paul's your given name, unless there's some interesting cross-cultural pollination going on. Where are you from? Not new to Earth, apparently.
Nah, kinda crash landed here decades ago. Could bore ya with what planet I'm from, yadda yadda, but it really doesn't matter much ya know? When I crashed here, I crashed on this sweet girl's dog. She called me Paul and hung out with me 'till the suits took me away to be used and researched by the government. The name kinda stuck after that.
Oh man, it was. Let me tell you, the moment I saw Tara I threw up. Talk about insult to injury. She was sweet though. Really nice. Never forgot what she did for me.
[He shrugs]
Well, stayed in a nice government facility until recently anyway. It's not like I lived under a rock. I knew what was out on the world. The government and I had a little arrangement. Some tit for tat. I shared some of my knowledge, and kinda figured out how things worked here as I did it.
Kukukuku! [what a hideous wheezing laugh.] You look just like a certain reality TV star. If wearing your famous face on the street is getting you down, I can build you a cloaking device for the low low price of fifty Pekoponian dollars.~
Yeah, I hear it has that affect on people who are somewhat more... unique than the swelling mass of humanity.
Believe me though. From hiding completely from humanity's eye, I can handle a couple stares and gaping mouths.
By the way, lookin' at you, baby.
And it's Roxanne, thank you.
Paul. Sorry, Roxanne, didn't mean to call you out on the look on your face.
So, you're seeing another big-headed alien? Good on you. Where's the guy from?
...Wait. More importantly, how'd a reporter end up with an alien? You'd think if a reporter got their hands on one of us space dudes, she wouldn't start by dating the guy- she'd probably report the hell out of it on the 9 o' clock news, and pass us on to the government.
[Digs about in wallet, pulls out little news clipping, and briefly unfolds it -- MEGAMIND BEHIND BARS it announces, with said big headed alien there in black and white.]
Doesn't really do him justice, but that's him. As for where he's from -- Your guess is as good as any of ours. He's a last-of-his-kind sort of deal. He could you tell you more, maybe.
[She tucks the clipping away and then says,]
He's a reformed villain.
[A beat, as she consiers.]
And our relationship is -- complicated. But in a good way.
And... I'm betting he'd really like to meet you.
Last of his kind? Man, that's rough. Charming picture.
[And a shrug]
Well, sure. Relationships are complicated to begin with. You got one with a reformed villain who happens to be an alien. Gotta hand it to ya, Roxanne, you got yourself one hell of a situation there. Something tells me you don't like things to be ordinary, so yeah. I can see how it works out for ya in the end.
He sounds like an interesting guy. Wouldn't mind getting to know him either.
But, yeah, that's Megamind in a nutshell. Something a little sideways from ordinary. But still, he can be remarkably-- normal.
[A little shrug; she's happy, it's all good. But Paul? This is a new shiny thing to learn about, and the reporter in her wants a story.]
So I'm guessing you're not exactly the last of yours. And I doubt Paul's your given name, unless there's some interesting cross-cultural pollination going on. Where are you from? Not new to Earth, apparently.
Never had a dog myself, but that sounds -- a little awkward.
[Who names a dog Paul, seriously?]
So, decades on the planet, but in a nice government facility? Bet this will be an interesting change for you.
[He shrugs]
Well, stayed in a nice government facility until recently anyway. It's not like I lived under a rock. I knew what was out on the world. The government and I had a little arrangement. Some tit for tat. I shared some of my knowledge, and kinda figured out how things worked here as I did it.
[Poor kid. Poor dog.]
So you were working with the government? US or elsewhere?
Oh hey, hey. Nah, man, I appreciate the offer, but I have my ways of hiding. Built in cloaking device, it that's what'cha wanna call it.
Slightly off topic, what the hell are you? A little hypocritical of me to say, I know, but hey.
Kukuku! I'm surprised you don't know, my race is famous for invading other planets. I'm a Keronian of course.
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