(no subject)

Sep 24, 2011 20:46


Also known as 'as if you didn't have enough to do with the ball going on' mafia.

Get into OOC chat, which is still this, and once there are enough of us a game will be made!

The only requirements to play IC mafia are that

a.) you be in the OOC chatroom and
b.) you have an account on EpicMafia, preferably with your character as your icon! you can change characters if you change your icon!

If you need more details, check the ic mafia tiems tag! It is incredibly fun and easy to acclimate to, I promise, and more people make the game more fun! IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY? I don't think so, but if you have questions I can try to answer them!

stacey needs a tag, not again, ic mafia tiems, not as bad as leprosy but

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