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speedofnaked August 4 2011, 02:34:16 UTC
Awwww yeah


homomachinis August 4 2011, 04:12:34 UTC


speedofnaked August 4 2011, 05:54:03 UTC

Seriously the honeymoon vacation interruption was a pretty severe miscalculation on his part if he wanted to keep in her tenuous good favor; there's a difference between knowing he's powerful and being made aware that he could "hunt her down" anywhere in the world. It makes her uneasy in the sort of way she hasn't been since FFVI canon -- where she spent pretty much most of her time on the run from people who wanted her power.

That one firepit appearance moved him from "that dangerous guy we have to deal with sometimes" to "oh god get away."

But he's still possibly the only person who might be able to return Zelgadis to his human form, and so long as she still believes that's the thing Zel wants most, she's going to keep trying to play mediator between the two. It is a sucky crevice to be stuck in, but that is not something she can change. She's just even less likely to be friendly toward him without that motive.


liondormant August 4 2011, 04:22:24 UTC


speedofnaked August 4 2011, 06:06:28 UTC
IT'S COMPLICATED. Complicated brother-figure seems like the most concise description. There's a lot of things they have in common, even aside from the FF background. Between their mutual lack of childhood, the weird crap related to magic/magic beasts/etc, their similar problems with emotional connections (even if handled much differently), and so forth. He's neither someone she looks up to nor someone she really needs to look out for, but he's someone she wants to keep close.

TL;DR: Squall is Celes.


liondormant August 5 2011, 00:50:20 UTC
...but does not look nearly as good in a leotard.


speedofnaked August 5 2011, 01:20:50 UTC
He'd look bomb in golden pants though.


notadartboard August 4 2011, 04:38:32 UTC


speedofnaked August 4 2011, 06:17:26 UTC
NEITHER DO I am terrible at this

I think Geddoe has only been a conversation once, and she knows him mostly through zel, so it's more a case of "someone important to someone who cares about me," so part of her wants to get to know him better, but it's nothing critical.

Sanji seems like a decent enough guy to be friends with, but (haha my sucky activity) they tend to pass one another more than they interact. He reminds her a bit of Edgar, though with fewer Great Serious Responsibilities (Sanji, after all, is neither a King nor helping orchestrate a war with a tyrannic empire). Overall cool guy.


bluepurrymuffin August 4 2011, 06:12:39 UTC
speedofnaked August 4 2011, 06:19:16 UTC
This is about ten percent 'he seems like an intelligent person' and about sixty percent 'I attacked him and he didn't deserve it I will hide my shame forever.'

The other thirty is uncertainty.


noelleno August 4 2011, 23:49:01 UTC


speedofnaked August 5 2011, 00:45:11 UTC
as you well know.

Being one of the first people Terra met and thus being one of the longest-lasting interactions she's had in her entire waking life (fuck yeah amnesia; also subject number two is keith so), Zel? Critically important. He's the one always helping her out of jams, or is the one who is invariably caught in the jams with her, or is the one she has to yank out of the jam; in any case there's a lot of delicious fruit preserves involved.

The main problem, of course, is that Terra is still (yes even a year later) struggling to come to terms with how to balance her esper/monster half and her human half. Tied to that is her perceived inability to have certain emotions, as stemmed from the fact she never really got the run down growing up of what different emotions were/how they worked/how you could tell the difference between 'like' and 'like', that sort of shit most people have middle school to work through ( ... )


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