So! OTL this is kind of a late announcement but me and the-Qu-formerly-known-as-our-Judai are gonna be at
Connecticon this weekend! Which is in CONNECTICUT I totally bet you didn't know that.
So if you happen to be coming, or if you read this and suddenly go OH MY GOD SPINEL AND QU ARE THERE? GET ME A FUCKING TICKET then let us know! I won't be in costume, but I am almost certain to be wearing a pair of
suspiciously familiar rose pink safety glasses on top of my head all weekend anyway so I shouldn't be impossible to find.
(Also we'll probably have spare space in our hotel room, so if you need a place to crash and a) I know you or b) I have excellent reason to believe you are not an ax murderer, come talk to me and I'll talk to Qu 'bout it.)