So, in the sainted language of nerds, aka D&D, there is something called character alignment. It is a rigid and much criticized system that attempts to put morality into easily-labelled boxes so that you can cast magic a spell and have all the bad guys glow.
C&C, I am asking you to put your characters into boxes. There are nine alignments: permutations of good - neutral - evil and lawful - neutral - chaotic. So a Lawful Good character is all into following the rules and doing the right thing. A Chaotic Neutral character might be a rebel without a cause. And a Neutral Evil character might be a selfish prick who doesn't care if he works within society or without it.
Wikipedia can help explain. How would you place your characters on the D&D alignment grid? Can they fit on the D&D alignment grid? Is there more to heaven and earth, Horatio, than is dreamt of in third edition? Feel free to tl;dr and justify as necessary.