Mar 23, 2011 13:46

c&c kink meme

★ Leave a sexy prompt involving some characters, logged in or anon!
★ Fill other prompts because everybody needs some loving!
★ Suggest the most depraved, hideous crap you can come up with and cackle while everyone else freaks out!
★ Both writing and drawings are fine!  Also non-porn fluffy stuff is okay too.  If you must...
★ Sorry, kiddos.  No minors allowed near the pr0nz.
★ Science has proven that you cannot be late for this meme.  It's up early and lasts all day!
★ Everyone's day has a little more porn. Huzzah!

tentacles, sexy tiemz, lesbians, desu, lesbians!, hijinks, ninja death cult, kink meme is made of delicious smut, official c&c kink meme tag, meme, hideous is c&c's favorite word, show us your boobs, ali is matt murdock in drag, daredevil marries everyone, hideous, bueno, covered in bees, sex ensues, this is a meme, cock lobster

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