Hey CnC, it's just about Spring! You know what the best part about Spring is? That's right, the
With chicks in the nest already:
Phoebe the Hummingbird's nestcam (two week-old chicks)
Chickam (baby chickens, HATCHING RIGHT NOW)
WVEC Bald Eagle cam (two chicks, seems to be temporarily down)
Barn Owls in Oceanside, CA (BUNCHES of them)
Chula Vista Barn Owls (two chicks, Bonnie and Clyde)
Nesting (or no announced hatchings):
Duke Farm EaglesDecorah EaglesLaguna Beach hummingbird (two eggs, scheduled to hatch next week)
Pennsylvania Falcon camRichmond Falcon cam (not yet nesting)
I really wanted to put up an Osprey cam but they don't even start nesting until April, I think.
You can find bunches more on
UStream, and more on independent websites if you just google "bird webcam" or whatever.
Don't like birds?
Have an octopus.