*sneaks in for a moment*

Mar 05, 2011 02:09

Hi, kids! Hope this li'l plug is okay to do here. If not, someone scold me and I'll yelp appropriately.

Not sure if you remember me, but I'm Andy and I used to play this punk here (among several others) until I lost my job and freaked out about such a fast-paced plot-heavy game like this drawing too much of my attention and dropped out.

Still job searching, but I've been passing the lull-time with light and breezy dressing room games like dcu6wordstories and then I started going "Why isn't there a Marvel one of these?"

So I, uh, made one.


So if you want to dick around with some Marvel character you're pondering, or stretch your muscles with one you only occasionally play, or just want to goof easy-peasy no-pressure, open-RP kinda style, feel free to come on by and Mighty Marvel it up! I'm the only mod, and I'm relaxed and groovy.

Okay, li'l announcement thing over. Hopefully, RL will sort itself out for me soon and I can bring my scrubby butt back to C&C in some capacity, since I miss you knuckleheads. Thank ya kindly, folks!
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