1. He still writes poetry in his head. 2. He's found a replacement for Passions in Paroxysm, which is basically Buffy if it had been written as a Soap Opera. 3. Most nights he goes out and follows pretty blondes from clubs or bars. If they get mugged or attacked, he'll save them despite the migraine it causes. It's gotten him laid once or twice. 4. His current dwelling is an empty crypt in one of the city's cemeteries and already stealing electricity and cable from nearby. 5. Despite only needing blood to really survive, he regularly eats human food. Mostly it's things with very pronounced flavors and textures, especially spicy stuff. 6. Sometimes he'll forget to inhale when he's smoking and just let it burn down to the filter. This can lead to him getting his lips burned. 7. He was ported in only wearing his jeans and boots, so he had to find a replacement jacket. It was a lot easier than he thought it would be. Still doesn't have the same sentimental feeling attached to it though. 8. He goes to the public library and takes books that look interesting. They're mostly poetry and 19th century literature. 9. Painting his nails is a lot more therapeutic than he'll ever admit. He deliberately chips the paint once its dried. Because he thinks it looks better that way. 10. Yes, he had sex with Angelus. It wasn't pretty.
2. He's found a replacement for Passions in Paroxysm, which is basically Buffy if it had been written as a Soap Opera.
3. Most nights he goes out and follows pretty blondes from clubs or bars. If they get mugged or attacked, he'll save them despite the migraine it causes. It's gotten him laid once or twice.
4. His current dwelling is an empty crypt in one of the city's cemeteries and already stealing electricity and cable from nearby.
5. Despite only needing blood to really survive, he regularly eats human food. Mostly it's things with very pronounced flavors and textures, especially spicy stuff.
6. Sometimes he'll forget to inhale when he's smoking and just let it burn down to the filter. This can lead to him getting his lips burned.
7. He was ported in only wearing his jeans and boots, so he had to find a replacement jacket. It was a lot easier than he thought it would be. Still doesn't have the same sentimental feeling attached to it though.
8. He goes to the public library and takes books that look interesting. They're mostly poetry and 19th century literature.
9. Painting his nails is a lot more therapeutic than he'll ever admit. He deliberately chips the paint once its dried. Because he thinks it looks better that way.
10. Yes, he had sex with Angelus. It wasn't pretty.
But I don't steal books.
Congratulations. You'll make a fine, upstanding citizen one day.
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