post got me thinking: Who here can remember past attempts at leaving the Cityverse and/or interfering with the Porter? There've been quite a few since the game began, and the results tend to be very dependably amusing. Also, a list of them could be handy for people hoping to make future attempts. Here's what I can remember right now:
-Doctor Manhattan tries to use his godlike powers to leave. The Porter objects via tachyons.
-Jaime Reyes tries to Scarab himself out of this dimension, and blacks out the City in the process.
-Axel tries to Dark Corridor his way home, and gets stuck inside for hours.
-Ensign Chekov builds a transporter device, which promptly gives the City its very own Tribble infestation.
-Yatoji Satsuki tries to hack the Porter, and gets zapped into a coma for her efforts.
-Delirium of the Endless tries to force her way back to her realm and gets trapped, unleashing a plague of madness on the City in the process.
-Alastair and Kiryu, not in their right minds thanks to Desire of the Endless, try to blow up the Porter and are stopped by Chronos.
-Godzilla blazes a path of destruction through the City towards the Porter building, intending to either destroy it or force it to return everyone home, only to meltdown after being confronted by almost every hero in the City. It was epic. Seriously, seriously epic.
-Ghost and GLaDOS work together trying to hack the Porter. Their teamwork is rewarded by GLaDOS getting zapped.
-After months of study and careful planning, Tony Stark builds his own copy of the Porter (with time travel capacity added in). It explodes the second he turns it on and he dies.
-Brainiac 5 experiments with sending people home, and transforms several Imports into animals for a few days instead.
-Zatanna tries to teleport herself home twice. The first time she ends up in the Atlantic Ocean. The second time she's more lucky: she lands in the Mojave Desert.
-Hank Pym tries to reprogram the Porter immediately after arrival. Bad news: he fails and gets zapped. Good news: he succeeds in giving her a very sexy voice.
-Keith Anyan attempts to swear loyalty to Lachesis upon arrival, and gets royally trolled.
-Chronos tries to time travel out of the present, only to become trapped in a dark and terrible future.
I know I'm missing a bunch. I'll update this thing with any additions for reference purposes. LET US REMINISCE ON OUR CHARACTERS' FAILURES.