hey safari people guess what ANOTHER LOG

Dec 18, 2010 12:45


Who can deny it?!

Like last time, just threadjack and jump in where you want. If you're not finished with the last one, there's no hurry. Suggestions/requests for scenes:
- Miho and Jason having an extended one-sided conversation while the others are just like "the fuck"
- Wufei getting mad at someone. I'm thinking Thomas or Terry.
- People trying to subtly one-up each other
- Someone trying to have a conversation with Heine
- A joint network post??
- Someone accidentally shoots an endangered animal ;__;
- First person to quote Heart of Darkness gets punched in the arm

OKAY and have you guys seen this site, My Mom is a FOB? It is so adorable and fucking hilarious. I'm Chinese, but my parents are both excellent at English and rarely slip up except when they're with their friends from back home. Then they start talking in some... bizarre Cantonese-English-Malay mix. Lah. But seriously, this site made me cry with laughter. You don't need to be Asian to find it funny.

there is no tag there is only jill, pointless crap is awesome crap, plot, and then jason was a tentacle monster

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