it's the most wonderful time of the year!

Nov 30, 2010 12:44

c&c kink meme

She is watching this and she is not pleased.
★ Leave a sexy prompt involving some characters, logged in or anon!
★ Fill other prompts because everybody needs some loving!
★ Both writing and drawings are fine!
★ Nothing TOO hideous, like the extraordinarily underage or the dead. Everything else is no-holds barred.
★ Everyone's day has a little more porn. Huzzah!
★ No one can be late for this ever!
★ Where is Kermit Fury?

meme, ali is matt murdock in drag, c&c groped my boob last night, lesbians!, somebody else tag this, leah is dead because of your neglect, ninja death cult, the c&c kink meme needs a tag, kink meme is made of delicious smut, dolphins are passionate lovers, official c&c kink meme tag

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