"It's Saturday night, nobody works Saturday night!"

Feb 14, 2009 19:59

Okay. I'm now going to get you all hooked on Red Dwarf. It's my wicked purpose. Here are several clips from the show. Watch them. I picked ones that feature mainly Rimmer, and if you ask me I will tell you not only which episode the clip is from, but all the lines that happen before and after the clips. I'm..........kind of pathetic, really.

And then when you're done watching them, post stuff from your canon too! Comic screenshots, video, whateva! It's a canon-swap-o-rama.

He's a smeeeeuuuu heeeeeee!

Is it me, or has it suddenly gotten rather hot in here?

I detested his fat, stupid guts, the pop-eyed, balding git!

You make love like a Japanese meal; small portions, but so many courses.

What a guy!

Okay, this one focuses mostly on the Cat, but it's still a classic moment.

copyright violation theater

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