Oct 19, 2010 11:53

-Is your character a badass?
-Does your character tend to solve their problems by beating/shooting/blowing them up instead of relying on superpowers?
-Do the words ‘edgy’, ‘gritty’, ‘anti-hero’ or ‘borderline sociopath’ apply to your character?
-Does your character’s communication involve copious amounts of grunting, teeth-clenching, flippant remarks, and/or one-liners?
-Would your character not be out of place walking away from an explosion in slow motion without looking back?
-Does your character thirst for the blood of the unrighteous?
-Would your character be capable of eating the above Manwich?

If so, they may want to be involved in a plot I am working on wherein there would be a situation requiring the City’s action heroes/anti-heroes to basically go somewhere and blow shit up for a week or so away from the usual restrictions and consequences involved in massacring bad guys and destroying buildings within the City. However this is all in its very early stages right now so I am asking for interest and input so I know what would be the most fun for everyone. Once I've got a better idea of how to put this together, I'll submit a proposal to the moderators and try to set this up for sometime in November or December.

The current (halfassed) outline is that a character with links to the government or other means of intelligence gathering (possibly Sheldon Sands via the CIA) learns of a major meeting of international organized crime representatives going down somewhere (Caribbean island? Mexican resort? Val Verde? Standard palatial drug lord villa?). Said representatives are concerned with the threat ImPort superheroes operating outside of the City pose to their business; the fate of the HIVE and the Avengers' moves against Mexican cartels has made them afraid. They’re meeting to consider a sort of pre-emptive strike on the City and bringing over a hundred of their dudes with them for security. The local authorities are compromised and the US isn’t doing anything (possibly because of a corrupt CIA agent?). The solution: putting together a secret team of individuals willing and capable of operating covertly and without superpowers to infiltrate the area, find out what they are planning, bring the meeting down, and maintain plausible deniability for the City. There would be a lot of intrigue and skirmishes and naturally at the end things would culminate in a massive shootout. THAT’S ALL I’VE GOT HELP ME FLESH THIS THING OUT GUYS.

Basically I’m asking for
-People who would be interested in this and what their character’s credentials for this team would be, and
-What everyone would like to happen/awesome things for their characters to do in this thing.

For example, my current wish list for stuff happening in this plot is that it would ideally feature:
-A scene based on this:

-Camo facepaint
-Jungle stalking
-Car chases
-Gratuitous explosions
-Characters being shirtless for no apparent reason
-At least one bareknuckle fight, possibly in the context of a bar brawl, a martial arts bloodsport, or both
-Insane stunts
-Bullet time
-Improper use of a flamethrower
-Extended locking and loading
-Femme fatales
-Massive body count
-Absurd amounts of firepower
-A total lack of subtlety
-And at least one reference to this movie:

So that's what I've got so far, and it definitely needs to be expanded! Hit me with ideas and volunteers, folks, because I think this could be a blast.

obsession is an art form, jesse likes attention, movie tiem, arnold schwarzenegger is cool, plot

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