(no subject)

Oct 14, 2010 20:53

Poll Another character choice poll

John Constantine - from the Hellblazer series published by Vertigo. He's a pretty powerful but kind of laid-back bum of a mage, really.

Pros - I have his app half-written already, I've played him before elsewhere, I have his series so I can canon-review easily, and his voice is pretty strong. Honestly I'll probably app him before anyone else XD;

Cons - He can be a bit of a bastard (a... bit...), it's been a while since I played him, aaand that's... about it.

Father Castor - aka Fest, from 07-Ghost. He's quite quiet and reserved, but used to be an assassin and is now the incarnation of a death god who can manipulate souls. But he's very nice!

Pros - He's a bit more social than my other characters, I've watched and read all his canon available up to date, which has covered his past in some detail so there shouldn't be any HUGE surprises waiting to trip me up. It would be kind of nice to branch out from comics to manga/anime, and I think he could be fun to bounce off some people in particular, like the Bleach cast.

Cons - The religious system in 07-Ghost is a bit different, and while I think it would be interesting to explore, I don't want to risk offending anyone; hopefully that won't really be a problem since it's fictional. And he's REALLY NICE, idk if I can carry that off successfully.

Baron Harkonnen - from the Dune series of novels by Frank Herbert. He's a very bad man, I can't even stress this enough, he's like, a vile and villainous, unctuous, hideous man.

Pros - ... sob. He's a villain, and we always need more villains. And I wouldn't mind stretching my legs a little from writing heroes all the time. I have pretty much every iteration of his canon, so reviewing is easy.

Cons - HE'S A VILLAIN. Playing him would mean tackling all sorts of questionable content, from violence and gore to some creepering on the teenage and younger population. In canon, he has a predilection for younger boys... who he then kills, okay, like I said, A VERY BAD MAN. So I'd have to be very careful with triggers and respecting other players, getting permissions, and warning heavily. And do you really want this man in the City?

Sherlock Holmes - from the recent BBC series Sherlock. He's... Sherlock Holmes, but he uses nicotine patches instead of heroin, wears a scarf, and has a blog.

Pros - I've watched the series and have it available to re-watch, he's the type of character I'm comfortable playing, and it would be fun to have him running around annoying the police cast and solving all their mysteries.

Cons - He might be TOO similar to my existing characters. Getting permission from villains to foil their plots and having actual mysteries that he can unravel might be tricky, especially since I'm not as much of a genius as he is and will need to plan things out ooc a lot.

Gothic Lolita - from the Marvel series Livewires. A super secret robot programmed to take out other super secret super sciencey projects before they go horribly wrong, and part of a team of other robots. She's the muscle and damage-taker of the team, despite her petite packaging. She also has a few personality quirks, resulting in the fashion sense and accompanying codename.

Pros - Have her canon to hand for easy review, have played a version of her before, have like, the best journal name for her ever. And she's a GIRL, we need more of those.

Cons - She's not the MOST social, and I'm not sure how well she'll fit without the rest of her team. Might need some ooc discussion of who she can pick on for industrial sabotage and stuff like that.

tell me who to app, kai is a consumer whore, kai is the 9th wonder of gay, the spice must flow

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