Headcanon Meme

Sep 05, 2010 02:08

In which Myra steals a Sunday Meme, because I like this one...

Headcanon Meme

1. Post the name of your character in a comment.
2. People will reply to your comment with a question/something they want to know about your character. Maybe they want to hear about what his/her childhood was like, or about that one time they tried to steal a wedding cake from a bakery, or about how they got their scar --
3. -- and then you'll respond with the answer from your headcanon! (Or actual canon, if that's what it is!) Just a simple answer, or something in point form, or a drabble, or an essay, whatever you'd like! You can even answer ICly, if you want to. We wanna know!
4. Rinse, repeat, until we all get sick of asking stuff.
5. Stolen from Nai, who stole it from Kirsten, who stole it from amat

meme, a robot did it, i am so bored right now, sleep is for the weak

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