Aug 06, 2010 17:03

 So. A lot of people might not care about this, but considering many people keep getting Danny's Iron Fist costume messed up, I am here to make a little informative post.

But first, let me get your attention:

As most of us know Danny used to have what is known to be one of the worst costumes in all of comic history (or at least marvel seems to think so). This costume looked a little something like this:

(I really fucking hate this picture, FYI)
This is the outfit that has the infamous slippers. It lasted from Iron Fist's creation up until the series Immortal Iron Fist, when the fabulous artist David Aja (everyone look him up) was like "holy shit that outfit is awful, why hasn't anyone changed that" and he redesigned it.

Iron Fist's costume now looks like this:

And since the shoes are cropped out, he doesn't have the slippers anymore. He has booties. Fashionable booties. 
Note the lack of disco collar and open chest. He looks much more manly this way, right? The answer: yes.

Now, for a bit (pre-Civil War and Civil War, though the last bit is debatable), Danny wore the Daredevil costume. Which pretty much looks like... the Daredevil costume. I'll post it here just to be safe:

There. That's Danny in the Daredevil suit (from the White Tiger mini, written by Tamora Pierce, see me for download link if you want it).

And that's pretty much all of Danny's costumes. Yes, this post was necessary. It was for clarity. Not so I could picspam Iron Fist.
Shut up.  

greer what is that, greer is nightmare fuel, iron fisting, picspam

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