(no subject)

Jun 21, 2010 13:37

In the spirit of the relief community help_haiti, set up to aid victims of the Haitian earthquake earlier this year, gulf_aid_now is a LiveJournal-driven auction geared toward providing monetary relief for those affected by the Deepwater Horizon oil well failure and the continuing failure of its operating company, BP, to find a way to stop the oil gushing into the Gulf.

As of the community creation date, more than 25 million gallons of oil have spilled into the Gulf of Mexico, washing up on beaches, being pushed into valuable and irreplaceable wetlands, killing wildlife--and damaging and possibly destroying the livelihood of thousands of people along the Gulf Coast.

The anger the world feels at BP is justifiable, but anger doesn't put fish in nets or food on tables. It doesn't take oil off innocent wings and gills or strain it out of precious and fragile marshland. The only thing that can make those things possible is action. For those near the Gulf, this may mean going to the source with dish soap and a pair of waders. For those of us farther away, it may mean supplying the funds to buy supplies and help those whose paychecks are currently on indefinite hold.

Will you act?

I'd really appreciate if everyone takes a time to press the button and at least read through the community. This oil spill isn't just another 'American problem'. There's hundreds of animals in need of aid and the environmental effects of this disaster will last decades. They're calling this the worst environmental disaster in American history and I think we should be doing everything we can.

My threads are here and here. I'm offering art and icons.

beck is a magical fucking unicorn

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