(no subject)

May 28, 2010 23:23

 ramble ramble ramble I am indecisive and I want to play a new character! so here comes one of these who should I app polls which I will then act on probably the day apps close or something :c

Poll decisions, decisionsan adrenaline junkie kickass girl who can turn into animals ⇒ rachel (the animorphs)
→ pros: I love the Animorphs.
→ cons: adjustment issues to a civilian life, secret identity issues, extreme paranoia re: yeerks

a non-descript, everyday-type man from the big brother of all dystopias ⇒ winston smith (1984)
→ pros: I know this book very well, there would be a lot of adjustment issues to play out, he'd be able to provide some sort of political commentary on the situation (sometimes)
→ cons: is a superhero setting really appropriate for him? one of his key factors is that he's an average citizen.

a creepy, balding, telepathic villain who pulled off the most effective genocide in her canon ⇒ cassandra nova (x-men)
→ pros: huge meticulous plotting enabled, creepy psychological fun, a villain!
→ cons: lots of character depth I need to bring across, huge meticulous plotting necessary, exhausting playing a villain, I would never be able to use my icons because they creep me out, wtf is a mummudrai anyway

a sweet derpy boy who understands all languages ⇒ doug ramsey/cypher (x-men)
→ pros: he's friendly and can tag around, potential fun to be had with his language power, his BFFs are in the City
→ cons: his voice might sound too much like alex's, what would I do with him in the City?

I will get to slowly tagging the HMD over the weekend/next week, promise :>

char's chars, what are these finals of which you speak, tell me who to app, char is a pokemon

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