The "WHY?" Meme
With HMD coming up, it's a good time to sit back and contemplate our characters' navels. Er, actions. Our characters' actions. It's also a good time to clear up stray bits of confusion and satisfy any lingering curiosity. How does this work?
→ comment with your characters
→ people ask you, "Why did X do Y? Why is A so interested in B? Why does N react to Z that way?" or any other question about how you've been playing, how the environment has affected your characters, how your characters' relationships work out, get the picture!
→ you answer! With a quick comment, with a doodle, with an essay, whatever suits you best. Or you pet your white cat/twirl your moustache/steeple your fingers meaningfully and decline to answer because you'd rather people find out ICly. Either way!
→ go around asking other people about things that make you curious about their characters!
This is not HMD! Save the actual criticism for Thursday. Most certainly do not passive-aggressively veil it as innocent curiosity and clog up this meme with wank. This is for if you're legitimately interested in hearing someone's interpretations and reasons for how they play! If it raises new issues for you to bring up in HMD, fine, but save it for then. Besides, if you keep an open mind, you might find some concerns allayed.
Question away!