fhajdlmao my god

May 13, 2010 11:28


This is more comic book related but I had a dream that I was helping out at this convention of super-villains by passing out some kind of power ring (yellow, with a push-pin positioned weirdly on it so if you didn't put it on correctly you'd get poked), and the Penguin was there and the top of his head was cut off so his brain was showing. Like, I think he was trying to be scarier. And I kept forgetting who I'd given rings to already so some people got two and then I had to be like "NO GIVE ONE BACK >:E!!!"

And then LEX LUTHOR said to me, "I know your mother, and I always thought I would be broken by her when the time came." He then went on to say (in phrasing I can't remember) that he got over it, however.

But I often dream about C&C threads, mostly if I've been reading one but then I go to sleep and I dream up an ending for the thread/log that is totally illogical and then I wake up because I'm upset that the ending sucks and then I'm like "OH GOOD IT WAS JUST ME".

this is not a meme, there is no tag there is only jill, and then jason was a tentacle monster

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