
(no subject)

Jul 01, 2005 14:05

my mispellings are included
just like i'd do if it was you doing
this is the shit i wrote about
when i got my wisdom out

are motor skills hindered?

Thoughts ffteen or less minutes
had passed I wasspassed out bfore
they said a single danm thing

that's extremely comforting

the aneaesthetic is working wonders

^a? just
just very

IVs arent so bad
thank the beautif dawns
the one right here is particularly lovely

WTF? I had no time know anything

you can shoow this to them

save this paper
for history

Well Dr. Rendulich
explain how it
went for me please?
you---------->did your job 100% right

Dry dry dry damn
Then this is


did he sever my nerves?
thank G money

I was more worried abut th
procedure going to plan
I don't remember going out
I'm trying to write in a state
of delirium in order to laugh at
it later

Too bad I'm not fucked up enougt
to misspell anything!
<3 <3
<3 <3

you made
thanks, various blondes me seem
so comfortable
thanks Dr. Rendulich

<---happily, dad

The drugs they gave me originally
were so relaxing, but I had no
sensation of going under, I
woke up suddenly with nothing else

this idiotic goddam radio is plaing,
but I ca't blame them since it's
they operate out of DEEEP MOORESVILLE.

do you think my ability to spell is lucidity
or a subconscious practice - makes - perfect
kind of situation? Right now I feel great
the anaesthetic wasn't even a part of
my day.
I don't even know what happened.
I want some fucking water.

The I.V. is not as badas Katie said,
it's more like a sucky pinch than a
Needle of Death
(Cup -O-Needles )

If there were a more perfect experience
as is what I wrote
as for totally avoiding confronting
it as an experience, I couldn't imagine

I don't remember going out
I was awoken and it was finished
The Blondes (as it were, don't be offended)
were truly comforting and sweet I think
my goal was to come in and be treated
right and they put me utterly at ease.

There's a whole lot of bullshit in my mouth.
I'm only half conscious. One eye is
also clothes W I lost that train of
closed thought. It's sweet.

I can't believe I'm done
The anaesthetic was truly effective
anesthetic I have less controll than I
thought, rad.
Dad and I have banded already
from that -----------------------------^

Sterling Marshall gets some 60-120
gallons of gas for his boats any time he
comes to the pump.

This isn't sobad sofar
I imagine I must get straight hopped up
on FDA approved hop - me - ups.

I can move
I can stand
I feel great considering

how delightful
The IV did hurt

Dammit swallow something

will you ask him if they
can siphon some water directly
to my throat?
when did i move roomes

Me neither
thanks for putting up with me
this morning. Not that I was bad, just thanks

are my nerves still intact? nope <3

do you have a camera?

I don't feel woozy at all
perhaps I will later
waking up out of the anaesthetic is
a breeze. Perhaps i've prepared smyself???
Maybe it can be likened to being woken
abruptly at 3:45 for some shit you gotta
do . I can't see well
I think a bandage encircles my jaw and my crown

I just got offered the teeth themselves
by my father so i guess it's an option
hell yess

I want water so bad
There's an ice pak going on at my cheeks
and a dull
maybe for later OraLabs
Chap Ice

no water? fuck

cause i can drink water
thank god

I keep skipping letters

I'm pretty lucid
this situation is unfortunate but I'm glad
to beable have it over with
feeling my lip and tongue is disconcerting
and weird
and gross
cause i don't know exactly how they
got where they are

I can't wait for the drugs
Samurai Champloo
Christa Maiorano
my teeth remaining stationary for God's sake
I hope I keep the pain under control
I'm afriad of a zero-fun weekend

texted Christa
I'm seriously parched and bloody
I'm so psyched, I don't remember beginning to write

bene <----------latin (adverb)
dammit wtf???

I only remember writing fou rorfive
words of what I just read over
added later
why Am I still attached to an I.V.

me neither
was I just next door?
just to the left
my dad is JOSHING ARound
"You were in one of the big chairs,
reclining, heavily padded...covered with
HA Thanks!

I probably look pretty silly.
texted Maiorano to say she should finish her roll
with pics of my ridiculous situation
lovely though it is
we don't need what fun ironic that the curly
to challenge anyway thanks, Rendulich blonde said she was
they want to do things thanks, each blonde here to mae be feel
please better and a happy boy
just before they cut bones out of
my mouth <3

"So I fell like a girl from a balance beam
A gymnasium of eyes all were holding onto me
I lifted on foot to cross the other and
I felt myself slipping
It was a small mistake
Sometimes that's all it takes"

makes me think of
Catherine Covington
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