I've become, lately. Kind of running low-profile for a while.
Saw Repo! The Genetic Opera at a midnight showing on the 2nd. I loved it. Like all Rock Opera/Musical type things the constant "singing the story" occasionally became stilted as they attempted to Story more than Sing. But still - it really was awesome. Buffy The Vampire fans should see it, for sure. The soundtrack - I will owns it, hoping it's the entire show and not "hilights" which is a bullshit way to sell a musical/broadway show score.
Other things... Had the Prius a couple weeks now. Last gas fillup was 3.2 Gallons (less than 5$ for 87 Octane), range of 157.4 miles. When prices spike in the summer my budget won't eat itself. Nice ride, the hatchback part is handy, overcoming the ugly.
52 Pin-Up! 32.
Dreaming Of Spring (not because I'm actually dreaming of spring, but because it's appropriate to the season. . .)