fuck it, i'm turning into the juice man

Sep 24, 2009 19:36

so we got a juicer recently. the fucker is kinda cool. i'm not all nutsack-nation about using it to JUICE THE PLANEEEEET, but i'm ok with this shit. it's rad to watch the shit that we pick up in our weekly bins melt out of the fridge and suck it down out of these weirdass super pulpy glasses of shit that makes your liver NOT want to jump out of your body and kick you in the nads for once.

so i up down to the market from that place i work at down by the ferry docks and checked into the harvest crops spilling into the street. yesterday some hot chick selling nectarines and badass peaches said they tend to give bruised and unsellable shit away to juicers at the end of the day, else give it to the food bank or compost it. so i rolled up there today and scored a b'gass bag of blood oranges (god i love those fucking things. bleeding fruit, accept no substitues.) some weirdass juicers and garlic for the sick one's wierdass constituation and chilled behind the piano man eating bloody fruit and waiting for 5pm to roll around. sure as fuck the bitches started wrapping up shoppe for the day and tossing things into bins and i made my move. i wound up with half a god damn crate of randomly shaped and oddly bruised fucking tomatoes a ecclectic presence of 50-70% good peppers, and when i was about to take off, the chick running the stand wandered over with 3 full fucking wreathes of peppers that were too wilted to sell anymore.

badass. i'm not sure i can drink all that tomato juice, or even make more than half of the shit into a red sauce, but i've been considering tomato paste and this fucking bevy i just got saddled with seems just the sort. plus juice. pepper juice. dude.
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