zapping the chicken

Jun 20, 2009 05:59

upon casting my mind through a diagonally thrust of uncharted depth into artistry contained on elfwood (forasmuchas i prefer other sites suchas digital blasphemy and XXX, the user interface at elfwood is far superior. or used to be. i'm not sure. they might have gone lame), and parenthetical digressions aside, i found myself on the wikipedia article for verisimilitude (i may be lazy or have just given up on my preference to limit html anchors to a single word, i'm not sure). in the article linked in the statement between parenthetical digressions there was a definition:

decorum: the realistic union of style and subject

which summoned such a thought as: how the hell does that apply to such ideas of 'lack of decorum'? would such mean one has no style? that has a style but such one that is isolated from thy subject at hand? style being often, in current culture, connected to a way of presenting the self or things the self is presenting then the lack of decorum, would not most properly be used to described an unruly mode of conduct but rather to a static union of visual theme and the core subject.

also: Poetic language of characters in a work of fiction as a result had to be appropriate in terms of the age, gender or race of the character

this certainly doesn't apply to family guy and thusly family guy is utterly lacking in what, in wikipedia's ..verisimilitudinally-classical view, decorum represents.

also, mimesis seems to be a concept the at personification direclty steals.
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