hiking. world without concrete found anew.

Feb 01, 2009 14:35

so the last few weeks has seen me out of the city. i need it more than ever. once a week i've been out to slopes and valleys. first, powerstomping [the new word for snowshoeing] at stevens on the 11th, then mailbox, that insanely steep wakeup call by the exit 38 fire station on the 18. there's no reccord of the long stop ridgewalker and i took out on the 18th, as some crack-tard had acutally mired his ford in the middle of the road halfway up to the trial and we shifted gears to throw a long-stomp out a road out near some cabins where some random german broad was holed up for the winter.

i've been out of it for about 5 years. snowboarding kept a bit about me, but ankle surgery fucked up the rotation of on again off again. after mailbox, i was so sore i felt like my legs were necrotic for 4 days straight. *then* my tendons were snapping for a day and a half. after the long stomp, my right knee felt like i'd need to see a doc to check on if i kneeded support. this week, it seems i managed to twist my right knee a bit, but the trekking poles i've gypsied from the local really are doing the trick. tiger balm is the shit and my body, once fine honed for this sort of thing, is beginning to pull back together.

cosmo canyon, archetype

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