rights, intersexuality

Dec 02, 2008 18:00

after participating in the recent prop 8 march and realizing i'd like to do more of that sort of thing, standing up for the cause of freeing sexuality from laws, i was left with a common problem. i don't like the binary system we've got, and quite honestly thing it's utter trash. it certainly has never done well for me and i still can't contain in words how my world works. suckage.

so i'm heading out to a few local tubes on t3h intarwebs and seeing if i can hunt down some explorations into sexual conceptery. the chains of my past are certainly thrown off, and breaking down walls takes a lot of effort, but i'm at a stand still. i need more ideas so i can forge forward. the fight for equality needs to keep going, so i have a world where i *can* do this, but the equality of treatment is the means to allow this end. but what end?

sexuality, proposition 8, genderqueer, rights

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