
Mar 02, 2008 01:14

so, new beers.

# Triple Exultation
i had this last night. the first few swigs were awesome. pored into a 22 stein that i have. 9.7 alcohol means good overall effect, though i think the gravity of it is lite. the thing doesn't hit you strong. *however* after about 3 swigs it really just turned *good* i have to admit i took the rest of it in 2 draughts. totally downed the pint. fucking awesome. i bet it would cellar well. that'd solve the liteness in a fucking flash

# saison - dupont
oh for fuck's sake. welp saison's are unreliable and if you get a good one, note it and stick with it. this was *not* one of those. i hate pilsners and this was hearkened to the days my brother got us a case of pilsner back when we were living through and i suffered through that case of piss fortifying myself with shots of jim beam just to make it ok. *shudder*

# saison - Le Merle - north coast brewing
*damn* this is nearly as good as the saison i bought up at bigstar that sent me down the path to checking out more siason

# Konings hoeven - Quadrupel Trappist ale
yanno beers that are quad's just go to far. i'm not interested in a fucking slice of cake or to 'drink my desert' for fuck's sake, just give me a good brew with bitters in it. that being said, i do like trappists, in general, whatever the hell they are, the few i've had so far rule. i can't tell what to think about this beer. it rides a line between good and bad. end result is, don't drink this cellar it for a few. but what's a brew that's only worth it's cost, several years later?

# Rum
# cockspur
so the 12 year cockspur has gone from 20 bucks to 30 and *regular* cockspur is here. didn't used to be on the shelves. we probably drained whatever was in the cockspur aging cellar and now they're tossing out mediocre shit that isn't worth crap. similar to pyratt. cockspur 12 year is badass, this regular shit can blow me. i'll keep going back to cap hill and buying bottles of the single barrel rum from belize. if the measure of what happened to cockspur is any judge, there's not much time left until it's price pops up to 30 or 40.

beer, rum

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