Wayan - Italy - saison style ale w/spices

Jan 13, 2008 14:31

the saison was nearly a cacophony of flavors. more like a roaring bickering mob or perhaps the flavors were like a bench of bickering bitches at a tavern at the end of the day. my impression is a good 5+ things going on, something at the beginning, a huge massive flavor swell after the intro, and then several things bickering for attention on the fade out. i like it. I'd go for more if the bitch wasn't over 10 bucks. I can see why the workers were limitedt o 5 pints of it. i'd stab my knife that it's one to wake up with, one at each meal, and one as you bs around a fire before you douse the lights, or something pretty similar.

i've no idea why, but the huge middle part of the flavor left me the impression of orange. not the flavor, not the color, just 'mmm, orange!' O_o

saison style, beer

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