carnie shit for the day

Dec 17, 2006 18:10

pure practice went alright. half the crew for the scenes we were rehearsing were sick but still, kinda cool. the toybox scene is really starting to look awesome and amber whipped out with a ninja costume. heh. i need to get one of those. no real reason why. random shit just fits into our thing right now.

finished that wheel board to replace the one we were fucking with on thursday. needs a 1x4 reinforment on the bottom and some red paint to fill in where the black is. later. the air's starting to clear between certain ppl in our crew. no fucking clue what their problem was but the stiffness is flexing and they're less stonefaced.

there's a new fire tech. icey. older lady. she seems to have the entire crew wrapped around her suggestions with a stern 'mothering' tone. doesn't work on me. you need to actually make sense instead of being a plaintive or mildy disapproving witch to get me to agree. however, in the spaces between words we're communicating and so long as i can figure out what she needs for it all to make more sense to her i'm sure we'll be fine.

big and i are talking some sort of gold rush script. nice. i'll see if i can't finish my writing desk tonite so i can do more with that than simply brainstorm halfhazzardly in an email. the ragnarook ideas and my wrimo project need relative peace to evolve too.


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