:Sun Sign:
Leo Nov 4th Horroscopes:
astrology.comGet ready for your sterling reputation to be challenged. This isn't a threatening situation, but it is something you need to stay on top of. If someone attempts to poison you, the best antidote is to keep on doing what you've always been doing. Let your actions speak for you -- and leave the gossip or game playing to the jealous people who can't compete on any other level. Sour grapes are a big factor here, so you should let them whine themselves out of your life.
astrology-online.comIf boredom has set in, find new and unique directions that offer interesting friendships. You may have the opportunity to get involved in some interesting conversations. Opportunities to go out with clients or colleagues will be in your best interest.
:Moon Sign:
Aquarius nov 4th horrorscopes
astrology.comAn impulse turns into the basis for something long lasting when you take a step back and see its full potential. Sometimes acting on a whim can set wheels in motion and take you on the next leg of your journey.
astrology-online.comYou need to get out and be an observer. Romance will develop if you get involved in social events that deal with children. A change of attitude has probably disrupted your home environment.
these two fuckers need to get together and compare notes about the damn stars.