deviation? not for me fuckers.

Aug 19, 2005 23:41

this update page blows the bloddiest chunks i've ever seene. can you imagine the depth of hipocracy necessacary to determine that after 10 years of close comanionship with the current edge of creation in the stage of mind labeled 'web design'

i mean, thank god shit has a clue somewhere, but i just don't see it in use. that's all, i mean, cascading style sheets, yea, but the whole bevy of tools ou there just *reek* of shit that's *trying* not to use frames as an answer. yea, i see it as being a useless deviation of the modern net-crationist mind too, but for fuck's sake, these people are out of control. if you can simply *accept* seeting the border to zero, then you have a central page that moves when you page up and down and the sidebar will always stay in one place. for fuck's sake just put in a warning page. so it's fax pass from 97, fuck a faux pass from 1997 should be considered fucking *retro* for god damn's sake, so go use the thing your elders never subscribed to and bri9ng the revolution back to the point the salesmen and retainers never saw we were going.

run withit
for fuck's sake god damnit

nm. this place doesnt' have quality. i'm screaming at the walls i fuckign know it. what else is new?
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