who knows where anything is being posted anymore. i'm to drunk to type my other password, fuck it.

Aug 18, 2005 20:23

yanno i really don't like enjoying this shit. i like the extreme edges of shit and ddr is not fucking extreme. and you know what the fuck ddr is? it's fucking 8 beat shit. tekno that changes on the 8 beat. every techno song you hear that changes on the 8th count is fucking 3-4 minute long bullshit. it really doesn't matter how fucking good their sound is. like brooklyn bounce.

there's no surer way to loose my respect as an artist than to conform the living shit out of your medium to the things that sell. sell out? hell yes. you don't sell out to sell out a stadium. you sell out because the listeners are making a statement. your sound and your vibe and your attitude have hit a string and where you went with it brought along an entire stadium full of people.

it's not that you pleased your fans. it's that you said something that struck a cord and then successfully applied the eye and ear of your creativity to other subjects and made the same sense to them. a fucking career as a rock star and the only people that offer you constructive criticism that you hear on a long term scale are the ones that are trying to sell it? well no SHIT so many bands sell out. just because you have the mind to create something that everyone is on cord with doesn't mean you have the perspective to be able to see why people liked it. look at nin and linkin park or marilyn manson for example.

guaranteed marilyn manson wasn't trying to be a notorious sellout when he started his career. his ass in a huge fuzzy tophat and fucking crazy arm attachments that look like they are stolen straight out off of apocalypse in the adventures of cyclops and phoenix (the second series when they go into darwin's time to confront the creation of essex, not that dumb askani son shit where they made a mockery of everything that cable was in the early 40 issues or so of his comic.

fucking pussies. god i hate marvel sometimes. anyways.

nin. lol. bitch made a breakup album and then had no *real* inspiration to continue any remotely interesting subject matter but got lost simply in the sound of industrial. hey pig? nothing can stop me now? what are you HIGH? knock it off!!!

and the same god damn thing goes for fucking linkin Park too god damn it! only KORN can whine for umpteen successive albums and get away with it. and we're really wondering if it's all just a fucking act with jonathan too by this point. i mean. money doesn't by happiness, but with therapists going at 500 dollars an hour, you can probably fucking *rent* it.

the only people who have my respect as troubadours are either the really experimental people who had a really bad *second* release and then came back with something completely new (thus proving that they're really in it for themselves, not fan hood or useless cash. you can INVEST STOCK and get cash you shit birds. stop fucking with the music!)

shit i fucking LOVE it when i hear that another band has run off of the road and fucking killed themselves, you know why? because it's usually some small band at about 2 albums or so that just got to *shitfaced* because they were doing what we all truly NEED our rock stars to be doing!!!! PUSHING. THE GOD DAMN. EDGE

that's what rock stars are for! we have to accept the pussified nature of these fuckers that don't party (megadeath anyone) or these dumb asses that stop and sound fucking horrid (metallica, sure as a stoned cat doesn't move when you jump at it) or the *completely unknown* massive talents of those who are so out there they never even put out an album, they just work on guitar sound creation theory and put shorts out for movie scores, that shit that makes a scene work that isn't on the soundtrack.

take your sound creation and merge it with a scene or emotion. it's the transcendent uber-qualities of a thing that show you how much it shines. intriguingly enough i've found this in death metal, doom metal, and tekno. not the techno *sound* per se, but the act of playing a sound that has a certain energy and merging it with the crowd and knowing what you have with you to take that crowd places. I've seen it in some of the videos of massive dj names, like tiesto and pvd and in videos of the thunderdome.

yob is this crazy oregon stoner-doom metal sound. they're so *non-radio* in their sound and song length that the first album has only 3 tracks on it. two of which are 18 and 31 minutes long. that's fucking hardcore. in this book 'hardcore zen' the author talks about practicing his guitar and playing with the most radical of punk bands he could find, and with songs 27 and 18 seconds long, they were completely fucking unstoppable in where they took their shit either.

cuz it's not 'fuck popularity' for the sake of being the one saying 'fuck popularity', it's fuck popularity because it's constricting. it's a particle in the wholeon of life. it transcends but includes the whole concept. ken wilber is insane. know this. who the fuck else would have the *gall* to title a book a brief history of *everything*. I mean, the history of everything is in nowhere brief, and that book isn't all that huge, he's just a beautifully arrogant bastard, but i digress.
time is never wasted, when you're wasted all the time!
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