About time I actually made one of these... Accounts are listed in no particular order. May need to fix this eventually
Name: Luke fon Fabre
Fandom: Tales of the Abyss
Canon Point: Between Absorption and Radiation Gate, shutting off the Planet Storm
oldest7yearoldActive: Y
Played in:
paradisa, currently planning on apping him to
riftedguilds when it opens.
Formerly played at:
youngest10yrold - de-aged
Name: Jade Curtiss
Fandom: Tales of the Abyss
Canon Point: Post-Tower of Rem, after confronting Luke about his true diagnosis
pacmanbeltActive: Y
Played in:
polychromaticSub-Accounts: n/a
Name: Jessica Philomele
Fandom: Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al-Revis
Canon Point: Not yet chosen
explodesthingsActive: Semi
Played in: Nowhere
Sub-Accounts: n/a
Name: Lindsay D. Ballard
Fandom: Original Character - "Back from the Otherworld"
Canon Point: Around a month or so after her arrival back home from Otherworld
magiconcehadActive: Y
Played in:
lucetiPB: Christa Theret
Sub-Accounts: n/a
Name: Miriah Daley
Fandom: Original Character - "Bookstore of Magic"
Canon Point: Pre-arrival of the (yet unnamed) main character
magicbookstoreActive: N
Played in: Nowhere
PB: Astrid Berges Frisbey
Sub-Accounts: n/a
Name: Al-Cid Margrace
Fandom: Final Fantasy XII
Canon Point: Not yet chosen
annoyslarsaActive: N
Played in: Nowhere
Sub-Accounts: n/a
Name: Noelle
Fandom: Tales of the Abyss
Canon Point: Not yet chosen
albioreiiActive: Y
Played in: Nowhere yet, tentatively seeking game to apply with
albioreiiiSub-Accounts: n/a
Name: Luke fon Fabre
Fandom: Tales of the Abyss
Canon Point: After being abandoned on the Tartarus, prior to the first arrival at Yulia City
downfalldenialActive: Semi
Played in:
abyssdressingSub-Accounts: n/a
Name: Luke fon Fabre (AU)
Fandom: Tales of the Abyss
AU Details: Taken from between the shutting down of Absorption and Radiation Gates, a sudden spike in the rate of Luke's fonon separation from the events at the Tower of Rem has forced him to stay in Belkend and get treated for it, in the hopes that he'll live long enough to aid Asch and the party in fighting Van and freeing Lorelei. (Based off of
this fic.)
sacrificesmadeActive: VERY. Damn kid won't shut up.
Played in:
abyssdressingSub-Accounts: n/a