The Office Fic: Weekend Plans

May 24, 2008 13:11

Title: Weekend Plans
Author: nutmeg610
Rating: PG
Fandom: The Office
Pairing/Characters: Jim/Pam, Andy, Dwight
Prompt: #12 Play, from my table
Spoilers: for Goodbye, Toby
Disclaimer: I don't own The Office, NBC does. So don't sue, m'kay?
Summary: It's three months after the events of Goodbye, Toby and Jim and Pam enlist Andy's help to prank Dwight.
Notes: Wow, so okay, I haven't posted anything to this fic community since January. That's a long time to have a mainstream fanfic drought. But here's something new, in a fandom I haven't written before! Read, enjoy, comments are love and make me feel squishy inside.

PamBeesly: Hey sexy.

JimHalpert: whoa! ok, that is sexual harassment in the workplace and i won't stand for it.

PamBeesly: Aww, are you gonna tell on me? :'(

JimHalpert: maybe

PamBeesly: Well if I'm going to get in trouble anyways, I may as well go all out and grab your ass in the break room.

JimHalpert: go ahead. i'll have witnesses!

PamBeesly: LOL. But seriously, I had something to ask you.

JimHalpert: yeah?

PamBeesly: Look at Andy.

Swiveling in his chair, Jim glanced over at the desk to his left. Andy sat with his fist curled against his cheek, staring blankly at his computer screen.

JimHalpert: what about him?

PamBeesly: He looks miserable.

JimHalpert: better than him bouncing off the walls

PamBeesly: C'mon now, be serious. What Angela and Dwight did to him was awful. And, hmm, I wonder who here could relate to him having to come into work everyday and see the woman he loves with someone else? Hmm... I wonder who?

JimHalpert: . . .

JimHalpert: please don't make me have a heart to heart with andy

PamBeesly: I'm not making you do anything. In fact, I had a plan, and it involves harrassing Dwight, so I know you're in.

Pam looked up from her desk and over at Jim. His gaze met hers and he grinned slowly.

JimHalpert: always

PamBeesly: Okay, just give me a second and I'll tell you the plan.

JimHalpert: k

Pam opened up a new chat window.

PamBeesly: Hey.

AndrewBernard: Hi.

PamBeesly: Are you busy right now?

AndrewBernard: Not really. Why?

PamBeesly: Jim and I were wondering if you wanted to help us play a prank on Dwight.

Andy sat up straight in his chair and looked over at reception in surprise, but Pam had her eyes on the computer screen. He let his eyes drift over to Angela, sitting stiffly and glaring at Kevin, and then over to Dwight, busy at work.

AndrewBernard: Yes indeedy, I do.

About ten minutes later, Pam casually got up from her desk and wandered over to Jim, leaning on the edge of his desk.

"So, what do you want to do after work?" she asked him loud enough for Dwight to hear.

"Hmm," Jim thought. "I'm kind of burnt out. But we could do something this weekend."

"Oh, on Saburday? Like what?"

Jim rubbed his chin. "Hmm, Saburday... Saburday..."

Dwight looked up shrewdly from the papers he was filing for a moment before dropping his eyes back to them.

"Well," Jim began, "we could go to the nall. I need shoes."

"Eh, I went to the nall last week." Pam disagreed. "What about a novie?"

"Ooo, a novie, yeah."

"We could get dodcorn and share a large Dedsi."

Dwight threw a file folder down on his desk. "Alright, stop it you two. I know what you're doing and it's not funny."

Jim gave the camera a quizzical look before addressing him. "We aren't doing anything, Dwight. Just making weekend dlans."

"There!" Dwight pointed at him.


"That! Stop mispronouncing words."

"Naybe there's something wrong with your hearing." Pam offered helpfully.

"Ha! I think not." Dwight said, turning back to him computer. "Schrutes have perfect hearing."

Jim and Pam shared a smile before Jim added, "Are you sure you didn't bump your head bhis morning? Night have affected your brain."

Dwight's expression changed to slightly worried, but he wasn't ready to fall for it just yet. "Oh yeah? Then why are my words coming out just fine?" He lifted his chin, giving them a superior smirk. He had them there.

Pam shrugged. "Whatever, Dwight. We don't know what you did boo your brain."

"Yeah, naybe bake some Bylenol." Jim suggested.

"Or Notrin."

Dwight's eyes darted around nervously. "I feel fine."

Jim shrugged. "Drobably why it bakes so long to diagnose."

Turning back to his computer again, Dwight repeated, "I feel fine," more to himself than to them.

Pam turned her head to smile at Jim, then gave Andy a slight nod.

"So where were we? Oh yeah! Saburday. Hey, Andy, what are you doing bhis weekend?"

Andy turned his chair towards them. "Nee? Oh, bought I'd bravel to Nontauk to visit ny darents."

Dwight whirled around in his chair and stared at him with wide eyes, while Andy raised an eyebrow.

"What's buh natter with you?"

Turning quickly back to his desk, Dwight fumbled for his keys and unlocked his top drawer, taking out a bottle of Tylenol, which was only there in case Michael had an emergency, because Schrutes never got sick. Then he jumped from his chair and practically ran over to the water cooler, filling up a paper cup and, turning to give the three a last paranoid look, dashed through the kitchen and into the men's room.

Pam giggled and Andy leaned back in his chair, swiveling back and forth.

"That was awesome." he commented, a smile on his face.

Giving Jim's wrist a gentle squeeze, Pam replied, "Yeah, thanks for your help, Andy."

"No problemo." He pulled his chair back to his desk and started to get back to work, the smile still on his face.

Jim gave Pam a look that seemed to say, 'See? Now I don't have to have a heart to heart with him, right?' Tilting her head, she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before getting up to return to her desk.

Meanwhile, in the bathroom, Dwight had taken two Tylenol and was testing his motor skills with the soap dispenser. He was worried that his reaction time was a few milliseconds off.

fanfic table, fandom: the office, theme: one shot

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