BSC/Heroes Fic: The Truth Hurts

Jan 13, 2008 17:11

Title: The Truth Hurts
Author: nutmeg610 & toxic_corn
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: BSC/Heroes crossover
Pairing: Stacey/Claude
Disclaimer: Neither The Baby-sitter's Club books, nor Heroes belong to us.
Summary: A visit from Kristy and the Doctor ends oddly enough with Stacey and Claude being hit with a truth ray, and they're unable to lie to each other until it wears off.
Warnings: Extreme fluff lives here!!!!
Notes: So yeah, how random right? But Kristy was hit with a truth ray in Kristy and the Doctor, so why not have it happen to other characters? This is a goofy little fic, but I thought it was important because it reveals what we've chosen Claude's real name to be, and that name reappears later in other crackverse stuff we have planned. Therefore, best to educate you now and not confuse you later, yeah?

"So yeah, thanks for having us!" Kristy said with a smile as she and the Doctor headed for the door of Stacey and Claude's apartment.

"No problem! It was great to see you guys again." Stacey replied, giving her friend a hug.

Pulling back, Kristy smiled, but then looked over her shoulder at the Doctor. "Um, you go ahead. I just need a sec."

"Alright." the Doctor answered, nodding goodbye to Claude, who was sitting on the couch, before he took off.

"What is it?" Stacey questioned, wondering what Kristy wanted to tell her that she couldn't say in front of the Doctor.

"Don't freak out, okay? It won't hurt, I promise." Kristy answered cryptically before reaching back into the waistband of her jeans.

"What are you--" Stacey began, but then Kristy's arm shot out and she saw a flash of bright orange in her hand and heard an odd, high pitched noise.

Once her eyes focused, she realized Kristy was pointing a high tech orange weapon at Claude, and Stacey gasped, making a grab for it. But Kristy dropped her arm to her side before she could reach it.

"There, all done. Didn't hurt him, see?"

Stacey rushed over to Claude and dropped beside him on the couch, where he was rubbing vaguely at his chest and giving Kristy a bewildered look. "Hasn't he been shot enough?!" she screeched at Kristy, before delicately searching Claude's chest for a wound.

"He's not hurt! Are you hurt Claude?"

"No, I'm fine."

"But you like Stacey fussing over you, don't you?" she added with a knowing smile.

Claude's mouth started moving, sounds coming out as he really struggled to keep his answer in, not wanting to reveal it. But it was a futile attempt, and with narrowed eyes at Kristy, he answered "Yes."

Stacey's eyebrows furrowed in confused and she looked back up at her friend. "Kristy? What was that thing?"

"Truth ray." she said with a smug smile. "I got hit with one once. You can ask him anything and he has to tell the truth."

Still puzzled, Stacey asked, "And you used this on him why exactly?"

"I dunno. I've let everyone borrow it already. It'll wear off in a few hours. For now, you can ask him his opinions on stuff and he can't ignore you or pretend he didn't hear you."

"Ohhhh, I see." Stacey answered, while Claude glared at Kristy, looking utterly betrayed.

But Kristy just gave him a teasing grin and asked, "Have you ever loved anyone the way you love Stacey?"

Looking embarrassed, he replied, "No."

Her heart leaping, Stacey replied, "That's so sweet!" She pondered this new development for a moment, then shook her head, and said to Kristy, "I dunno. I don't want to make him mad. He's really secretive..."

"So that was a waste then." Kristy sighed. "See you guys, later. Maybe I'll bring Frey next time."

"Yes, I'd like that." Claude blurted out. His face twitched, as he hadn't meant to say that out loud.

Stacey grinned. "You like the little guy, don't you?"

"Yes." he replied with a sigh, then before he could try to hold it in, he added, "Sometimes I like to hold him and pretend he's ours."

Her eyes widening, Stacey quickly looked away to hide her slightly hurt look. "Oh, right. Well, h-he's a great kid."

"He is." Claude nodded.

Kristy glanced uneasily between the two of them, before piping up with, "Well, good night you guys," and hurrying out the door.

Stacey looked down at her hands, trying not to be too upset with him. Children was one thing she couldn't give him, as it was dangerous for diabetics to become pregnant. And even though she knew he had wanted to be a father once, he had told her he was past that phase. "Wanna watch tv?" she murmured, sick of the awkward silence.

"Sure, I suppose." he replied, picking up the remote and switching it on. He wondered if she was going to cuddle up beside him like she always did when they watched tv together, but she actually scooted a bit further away from him.

"Stacey--" he began, meaning to ask her what she wanted to watch, but the truth hijacked his mouth instead. "Please sit closer?"

She scootched back closer, but didn't lean against him.

"Nevermind." he said sadly.

"What? I'm closer."

"I've hurt you so I shouldn't expect you to want to sit close to me." he replied, tiredly rubbing a hand over his face.

"It's-- I'm not...hurt."

He kept his hand over his face. "I didn't mean to."

"But you were just saying what you feel." she reasoned, still not looking at him. "I'm sorry I can't-- can't give you what you want."

Looking over at her forlornly, he answered, "You do give me what I want. You're more than I ever hoped for."

She wrung her hands in her lap. "But you still want more."

"Well, everyone does. But I don't need that." he insisted. "I only need you."

She sniffled a few times, managing to calm down. "Okay." She turned and gave him a small smile to show him she was alright.

He held his arms open. "Will you come here now, please?"

With a nod, she snuggled down into his embrace.

He sighed, completely content, and she mimicked the sound before lifting her head up and pressing a gentle kiss to his mouth, then tucking her head under his chin.

Closing his eyes, he continued to hold her as the tv droned on quietly in the background, before she suddenly asked, "Claude?"

There was a teasing tone to her voice that should have tipped him off that something was coming, but he thought nothing of it and nuzzled her temple dreamily. "Yes?"

"What's your full name?"

His eyes flew open and he went stiff, but she just looked up at him patiently, trying not to grin.

In a growly, irritated voice, he answered, "Colin Michael Newhouse."

Her mouth dropped open and all she could say was, "Oh, wow..."

He exhaled loudly through his nose and glared at the tv. Stupid truth ray. Stupid, childish Kristy.

"That's a nice name; I like it." she continued, but he didn't reply.

Of course, now that he had to answer her, Stacey wanted to know those things about him that he'd always told her she was better off not knowing. She nuzzled her nose under his chin, hoping he wouldn't get too mad at her digging. "How long have you been going by Claude?"

"Since I got my power."

"Mmm. How old were you when you did?"

"Twenty six."

She lifted her head and gave him a gentle smile. "Was it scary at first?"

"Yes. I thought everyone was pulling an elaborate prank on me, ignoring me."

Stacey nodded understandingly. "But after you got used to it, what'd you think of it?"

"I liked it."

She kept smiling and cuddled back close. "And do you still like it?"

His voice was quiet as he answered, "No." She nodded again, and he continued, "It's made my life harder."

"Yeah..." she agreed, stroking his cheek.

He rubbed his cheek against her hand, mumbling, "I like that," which made her giggle.

"Good. What else do you like?"

"When you sit in my lap and play with my hair." He averted his eyes, a slight blush coming to his cheeks.

Without further ado, she straddled his lap with a grin and gently ran her fingers back through his hair. "Like this?"

His eyes fluttered shut. "Mmm hmmmm."

Leaning forward, she rubbed her nose against his in an Eskimo kiss. "Tell me what else..."

He ran his hands up and down her back as he spoke. "When you kiss my scars." he replied, less embarrassed with the truth now.

"Why do you like that?"

"Feels nice. Like you love me despite everything." He hugged her tightly to him, and Stacey felt overwhelmed.

"I do." She kissed his cheek, then pulled back and started hiking his sweater up his chest to reach his scars.

"Wait, petal, you don't have to--"

She paused and looked at him curiously. "What do you mean? I do it because I like to, not because I have to."

A bit relieved to hear that, he bobbed his head. "All right."

Satisfied, she lowered her mouth to his chest and lovingly kissed across his scars, while Claude's eyes rolled back in his head and he clenched his fists. Her lips danced across his skin from one bullet wound to another, then she spent extra time on the long one down the center of his chest. That was her favorite one. It was the one that had saved his life, from the rib spreader in sugery to get at the bullets and remove them.

When she finally came up for air, she smiled at him and teasingly asked, "You like that?"

"Yes." he replied fervently.

She sat back up in his lap and kissed him after first saying, "I love you."

"Love you madly." he said once they broke the kiss.

"How madly?"

"So madly it makes me dizzy sometimes. I wake up every morning before you do and watch you sleep and wonder what I ever did right to get you."

"Oh Claude," she whispered, grinning like a fool, "You're so wonderful."

He looked at her face in awe, tracing her smile gently with his fingertip, before she dived in for more kisses, and Claude moved his hand to play with her hair.

She pressed hot, open-mouthed kisses down his chin and was working her across his jaw when the door suddenly burst open.

"Darling, that was hardly fair!" the Doctor declared, pointing the truth ray at Stacey.

From behind him, Kristy appeared, panting, as she'd chased him from the TARDIS parked in the alley outside. "Wait; don't, I don't think that--"

But the Doctor shot Stacey with the beam before anyone else could react. "Right. Well, we can go now."

In a false cheerful tone, Kristy replied, "And you can forget all about that sex we were going to have!"

The Doctor gave her an injured look as he walked back out the door and Kristy mouthed 'Sorry!' at Stacey before she followed, closing their door behind her.

Stacey frowned, rubbing at her lower back where the gun's ray had struck her. "That felt strange."

Claude rubbed her back as well in slow, soothing strokes. "Should I go after him and pummel him for you?"

"No, that's okay. I'm not hurt."

"Good." He kissed her on the cheek. "So. You're going to be all truthful now as well."

"Yes, I am."

"Sooooooo..." he began, sitting back and smirking at her, "what should I ask?"

She smiled and shrugged. "I'm not sure."

His eyes glittering, he asked, "How many boyfriends have you had?"

Her own eyes widened, then darted around. "Umm..." She needed a few moments to calculate the total before saying, "There's... I've had... around sixteen? Maybe? Seventeen?"

"And how many of them were sexual partners?" he asked, liking to see her squirm a little.

Stacey bit her lip, willing herself to hold it in. By the end of high school and the start of college she'd been around the block quite a bit. "Fourteen." she blurted out, her face going red.

But Claude just grinned. "Any of them like me?"

"No, no one's been like you."

"What makes me different?" he asked, smiling widely.

"You feel so much better... and it helps that I love you more than I've ever loved anyone else. It makes it feel..." She paused, getting the shivers. "Better than anything."

If it were possible, his smile grew even wider. "I think you're the wonderful one, petal."

She grinned. "What about you? How many sexual partners?"

"Thirty five and a half."

"A half?!" she exclaimed.

"Her dad pulled into the drive and we didn't get to come."

"But geez, thirty five!" she said incredulously. "That's so many! What, did you make a line form?" After the last word exited her mouth, she slapped her hand across it, giving him apologetic eyes.

"No, and that was a bitchy thing to say." he replied, and she could feel him go tense beneath her.

Dropping her hand, she let out a huff. "I know that."

"Fine. So long as you know that you hurt my feelings."

She sighed, glancing down at her lap. "I'm sorry." She then looked back up at him sadly. "I don't like doing that." After a short pause she added, "But why so many?"

"I like sex." he answered simply.

For some reason, that blunt, honest answer made her start giggling. "I should have guessed. So, what's your favorite position?" She threw him a saucy smile and the earlier tension was gone.

"Cowgirl." he said with a smile.

She hopped up and down in his lap, giggling and his eyes went dark, before he pulled her close and started giving her neck kisses.

"MMM... like thaaaaaat...."

Laughing softly, he asked, "What else?"

"I love your accent so much." she said without thinking about it, cuddling against him with her head down on his shoulder.

"I like yours, too." He stroked her hair, and gently pressed, "And?"

"Mmm, like that."

"So do I. You have the most beautiful hair." He nuzzled her temple, mumbling, "Golden waterfall..."

She squealed. "You're the best."

That started him laughing and she looked up with an amused expression.


"This is fun, fishing for compliments."

"Yeah it is." she giggled as she sat up again. "What's my best physical feature?"

He cupped her face and looked into her eyes deeply. "Your eyes." Then he thought harder and added, "Possibly your breasts."

She laughed. "Okay, I get that." Looking down, she cupped her breasts and added, "They are pretty awesome."

Moving her hands aside, he cupped them himself. "I'm their number one fan, that's for sure." As she started on another gigglefit, he asked, "What's my best physical feature?"

"Hmmm... I'd say... your eyes, though your ears are starting to grow on me." She softly ran her fingertips along his ears to demonstrate.

"These things? I could probably put you on my back and fly you to Paris with these things." he joked with a playful grin.

She tilted her head to the side. "Well I like them." She gave them a wiggle and he laughed, hugging her, before he whispered in her ear, "Where were you last week when it took you an hour to get home from the office?"

Stacey sighed. The jig was up. "I was trying to find you a nice present for our anniversary."

"Did you find anything?"

Looking down, she plucked at his sweater. "No, I didn't think you'd like whatever I picked out."

"I'd love anything as long as it came from you."

She smiled as she picked a piece of lint from his sweater. He'd said that to her in the past when it came to gift giving, and she was glad he'd been telling the truth. "Do you know when our anniversary is?"

"Which one? The day we first met, the day we first confessed our feelings, or the day we had our bonding ceremony?"

"Bonding ceremony."

"May 18th." he said, twirling a strand of her hair around his finger.

She leaned forward and gave him a peck on the lips as a reward for the correct answer.

"Were you expecting me to not know it?"

"Well... you've forgotten my birthday before, so I thought you might have forgotten this too."

His eyebrows knitting together, he gave her a hurt look. "I forgot it because I thought it was a week later than it actually was. It was our first few months together."

"I understand that." she nodded. "I'm not blaming you."

But despite that, he still looked at her guiltily. "I am sorry about that. I thought you'd forgiven me."

Stacey was shocked to hear that, and it showed across her face. "Oh sweetie, I have! I wasn't mad or anything!"

"Let's just change the subject."

"Claude, I'm not lying, you know that. I didn't mean to make you feel bad about it."


Cupping his face, she whispered, "You forgive me, for bringing it up?"

He nodded silently, making her smile and hug him tightly.

There was only a short pause in the conversation before Claude asked, "Who's turn is it to ask a question?"

"Mmm, yours I think."

"Well, I just asked one right then so it's your turn."

Stacey laughed. "Okay, umm... have you ever been married, before me?"

"Nope. You're my first and last."

"Same." she responded with a grin.

He winked and took his time thinking up a suitable question.

"Does it bother you, that I'm nearly twice your age?"

"Yes." Stacey blurted out, eyes wide. "But only when I say something that you don't get! I wish I didn't have to explain references I make, but that's not your fault." She bit her lip, feeling guilty.

"No, it's not. It's just as frustrating for me, too. It makes me wish I'd been born a few years later." he answered with a dark sulk.

"And there's times I think you must get so tired of me, the way I act or the things I like."

"I do get tired of you, yeah." he said, and the words felt like a punch to Stacey's gut.

She lowered her head glumly, and muttered, "Yeah, I knew it."

"That only lasts a few seconds though."

Her eyebrow lifted in surprise. "And then... you aren't anymore?"

"Then I'm not anymore."

"Well, that's a relief."

"I'm glad you think so."

She hesitated before asking, "Do you... ever wish I was your age?"


"Would you prefer me that way?"


She let out a soft sigh of relief and he asked, "You hated having me following you around in the beginning, didn't you?"

"I didn't hate... it was annoying, and frustrating. But I didn't hate you."

Smoothing his hand up her side, he replied in a low tone, "I didn't hate you, either."


"Your turn petal."

"Okay." She needed a moment to think too. "Hmmm... oh okay. What do you really think of Claudia?"

His face contorted, obviously not expecting that. "I think she's a good friend and an amazing artist. I even like her a little."

Stacey had guessed as much, and she lightly teased, "Well I'm glad you like her, even just a little."

"I didn't at first but I've been trying for you."

"Thank you. That means a lot."

"I try." he murmured, pressing a quick kiss to her cheek. "Did you have a crush on Peter Petrelli when you first met him?"

Now it was Stacey's face that was contorting. "YYYYYeeess." she answered in a long, drawn out way, unable to keep it in, try as she might.

Claude laughed at the expression on her face. "Well, now, isn't that interesting?"


"Did you like his big brown eyes or his hair the most?"

"Neither. It was his smile." she said matter-of-factly, then cringed a little.

But Claude merely laughed again and her face relaxed. "You're not mad, 'cause you know how much I love you, right?"

"Yes." Then he snorted. "Besides, I know that boy can't do what I can do for you."

"You're not being very modest." she laughed out.

"Just tellin' the truth."


"Got any more questions for your bloke?"

"Mmm... lemme think..." As she thought, she began twining his short hair around her finger, then combed all her fingers through, making Claude feel like a tub of melted goo, he was so relaxed.

"If you could turn back time, back to before all those bad things happened to you, would you?"

"I don't know..." he replied honestly, his eyes sad. Stacey pulled herself close to him, pressing her cheek against his, when he continued. "I've been through too much and I hated my life for eight years but it led me to you and I can't imagine living without you."

She nodded her head against his and kept stroking his hair.

"Do you wish the bad things had never happened to me?"

"Yes and no." Sighing, she pulled back to look him in the eyes. "I went back to the past, and saw it happen. And I wanted so much to find you, hold your hand, call an ambulance. But I knew it would mess up our futures. It had to happen so we could be here. Doesn't mean I wish there could have been another way, to spare you all that."

"Thank you."

She smiled gently and gave a slight nod.

"Well, it's your turn. Unless you'd rather play a new game now."

Her face took on a serious look suddenly. "I did have one more question..."


She took a deep breath to prepare herself. This would probably be the most personal thing she'd get to ask him, knowing he would have to tell her the truth about it. "Sorry that I keep bringing up these bad memories, but... how on earth did you survive three gunshot wounds to the chest, and falling off a bridge in the middle of nowhere?"

"Sheer force of will."

She was amazed at that, and whispered, "You're so strong..."

"... and I didn't trust Bennet so I had some people waiting for me."

"Ahh, very wise."

"I thought so. Well. New game?"


Scooting to the edge of the couch, he scooped her up and she wrapped her legs around him. "Eowyn and Faramir sound all right to you?"

There was almost nothing in the world Stacey liked more than being under the sheets with Claude, pretending to be their favorite fictional characters. She knew it was silly, but that was why she liked it so much. Especially the fact that Claude would be silly along with her. It made life not so serious and boring.

"Oh yes, my Lord." she giggled as his hands wrapped under her thighs and he hustled her into the bedroom excitedly.


toxic_corn, pairing: stacey/claude, theme: one shot, co-written fic

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