Series Title: Reborn
Author: nutmeg610
Rating: PG - NC-17
Pairing: River/Jayne
Characters: River, Jayne, Mrs. Cobb, Mattie, crew, OCs
Disclaimer: Firefly does not belong to me. Only the OCs do.
Summary: Jayne and River are living together off of Serenity, and pretending to be married. But why are they doing this? What happened to the crew? Alone together, they begin to find themselves having feelings for the other as they go about their day-to-day lives.
Notes: This series deals with River and Jayne living by themselves off the ship. So I guess you could call that AU if you want. If you don't like that sort of thing, feel free to skip on by. :)
Chronological Order:
The Beginning (R) >>>
Goodbye (R) >>>
Scars (PG-13) >>>
Arrival (PG)
Nightmare (PG) >>>
Sick (PG) >>>
Dinner (PG) >>>
Wedding Day (PG)
Nickname (PG) >>>
Pain (PG-13) >>>
The Fair (PG-13) >>>
Revelation (PG-13)
Socks (PG-13) >>>
Trigger (PG) >>>
New (NC-17) >>>
Working (PG)
Home (PG-13) >>>
Question (PG-13) >>>
The End (NC-17)
Posting Order:
Nightmare (PG) >>>
Arrival (PG) >>>
Sick (PG) >>>
Dinner (PG)
Scars (PG-13) >>>
Wedding Day (PG) >>>
Nickname (PG) >>>
Pain (PG-13)
The Fair (PG-13) >>>
Revelation (PG-13) >>>
Socks (PG-13) >>>
Trigger (PG)
New (NC-17) >>>
Working (PG) >>>
The Beginning (R) >>>
Home (PG-13)
Question (PG-13) >>>
Goodbye (R) >>>
The End (NC-17)