In under the wire: at one point this post had more to it, and links, but then Et By Browser happened, so here we are.
The sturdy cloth version of my Halloween tablecloth is a pleasing thing.
Listening to '90s alternative on the radio (very quietly) while cleaning the kitchen at midnight after everyone else had gone to bed had me feeling that weird mix of nostalgia/deja vu/hyper-awareness of time passing.
A splendid low-key Saturday night: Chinese take-out and games with
frozenemerald and
spiritedartist. Played: Gloom, Guillotine, Boggle, and
In A Pickle. Sadly, I didn't make it out of the house in time to get any gin, but then we brought more than enough giddy goofiness of our own, in spades.*
K's politely indifferent, but L and I were hankering after some Catan, so
naeelah, we must definitely have a Catan night at winter break (even Ugly Sweater party, perhaps?). I miss my sheep empire.
At any rate, time with friends: long overdue and so very needed.
*see also: post title, a.k.a the greatest hand of Pickle ever (inaugural game? or near to, back in the day w/ also