I made a fantastically wretched and hideous birthday card in Paint for Stacie. Whatever art smarts I picked up since kindergarten? So very dead and gone.
Apparently Rapunzel is almost-next in Disney's animated pipeline. Guess they won't be using the version where R gets a bun in the oven halfway through because of her scandalous! unmarried
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Is Enchanted a Disney production? Yep. It might not be as meta as I was originally hoping, but wikip has a list of intercanon references, and that along with the sly sense of humor it seems to have promises good times. Anyway my inner eight-year-old is all stoked and omg for it. And yes, in the pre-sanitized by the Victorians version, the witch clues into to what's going on when R is all "why are my clothes so tight?" Which is tame, really, when you remember that other stories in this genre feature kids being abandoned to starve to death, a woman who chops off her hands to avoid being taken by the devil, adultery, rape, cannibalism, people wanting to bake each other in pies, etc.
A ...robot. And obviously in league with the zombies who are going to take over the world. It's all a vast conspiracy.
I've only seen LoA once, but it was within the past few months, so I don't remember him doing a lot of blubbering. He sorta angsts over a couple of deaths he causes, or thinks he's responsible for, but nothing quite so dramatic as "you're tearing me apart!" I think the rolling on the sand & imploring might be when one of the orphans he was looking out for dies in some quicksand, but I could be wrong.
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