"Baby we keep the faith eternally"

Jan 15, 2010 09:14

Yes..... i love the new Tohoshinki song.. Break Out..... and seeing them again in the MV... i went dokidoki... i miss them... *is about to cry*

**I recently took part in a session about "creating your business plan". I went on my own, it was somehow interesting but the second part, the law part about the income taxes according to the business status and all, my mind went blank.... am i stupid ? looool... I am going to harass my mother about it all, she knows it all about this stuff.... ^^"

**I recently saw one dear friend of mine last week, twice - that's a record for considering it's been months i haven't seen people i know in RL other than my family... I helped her clean her house, she was moving in recently and we talked a lot. It was so so great !! ^^

**I am eating too much, like really too much. It's the feeling that you can only gain happiness thanks to chocolate, otherwise, you live in a sick, sad, tiring world - this kind of feeling you know ?......

**I recently finished the 15th book of Anita Blake adventures. This one was really interesting, near the end of the book, when all the killing/shapeshifting and vampires battle begin. The succubus part was okay, i liked how finally Richard is cast out, like finally, i hate this character, always complaining getting jealous, he is retarded in my opinion.. seriously....
..... Explanation => He is a werewolf, not accepting his condition, he wants to be human and have a normal life. He and Anita were engaged to each other but then Anita became a Vampire human servant and he didn't accept it because she wasn't normal anymore. And then he wants her back, then calls her a whore, then is jealous, then wants her then... i hate this guy

**Have you guys listened CNBLUE  "Alone" song. It's so beautiful, really rockish, i love the arrangements and i have a crush on the "Burning" guy Jong Hyun i belive his name is.

**Onto Choti Bahu :

- Radhika finally says "yes" to the wedding because Kanha (i think he got fed up with her too) appeared in front of her in the temple and explained to her how she is Dev's wife, she isn't stealing her sister's place, she is taking back her own place. Radhika goes to see Dev and tells him : "i will marry on the condition you take me to Vishaka, and i'll ask her to come back one last time, if she still disagrees then i'll marry you". Dev eventually accepts. They go to Mumbai and Vishaka is actually living her dream of becoming a star (yes she did it). She sees them and then says no and Radhika ties to convince her. Dev took the opportunity to bring divorce papers (smart boy <3) and she signs the paper and Radhika has to face it, her sister doesn't want to save this marriage.
- Finally the wedding is set and Radhika allows herself to be happy, yes ! But people don't want this wedding to happen, like EvilGrandma or Mrinalini. The engagegment is happening but people interrupt it saying : according to the divine law of the Rajpurohit : one Rajpurohit can only have one wife for his entire life, he can't get married twice. Evryone is shocked, if only they knew radhika is the first and second wife anyway... but she stays silent and defeated. Radhika's father Shastri-ji, summon the council and Dev and his family and says that there is a way to resolve the problem, Dev has to do some sort of ritual : He has to go to all the mandir, bare-foot, carrying barrels of water on a carriage, alone and wash the mandir and come back without eating as soon as the sun rises and before it rises again tomorrow. Dev agrees showing how much he wants Radhika. Doing the ritual, Radhika stays with him, next to him showing her support. Dev's uncle tried to sabotage the carriage and all of things but he succeeded anyway. Then can get married publicly.
- Next new evil plan : the bad people set the mind of Dev's mother : "Radhika is an orphan, she was found, the heir we will have will be bastard, an impure child because we never know Radhika's status in the society". The mother now doesn't want this wedding to happen. 

dbsk, cnblue, anita blake, eating too much is good for health, random, choti bahu, tohoshinki, chingus, me

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