¤¤ Chotti Bahu ¤¤ Season 3 Part 1

Aug 30, 2009 14:19

NB : Pic courtesy of india-forums ! <3
Video cuts attached everytime sentences are in red

Dev goes searching for Radhika who has reached a weird place, it's like a discotheque, she asks for the producer and he comes by prexteting the music is too loud, he takes her upstairs in a room. The girl folllows him - fool. She is trying to tell him not to air the music video but the guy is becoming too demanding and is too close to her. Radhika panicks and falls on the bed. Dev arrives and after searching for her he sees their shadows from the paper upstairs he breaks the door and saves Radhika (OMO.. so sexy... deeeeeev).

Then he threatens the guy that he is a Rajpurohit, he will make him pay for that. The other guy is confused and frightened and says that the MV won't air. They go and in the car Radhika breaks down. At home everyone is awake and ask them where was Radhika. They are all troubled and Mrinalini takes the chance to say that this girl has no shame going so late at night,.... Dev then talks to Vishaka and threatens her to reveal why Radhika was out, her reputation is tarnished because of her, otherwise he will tell the truth. Finally, Vishaka lies to the family saying that Radhika was out because there was a fmous priest in town and she couldn't wait to see him perform but apprently she got lost and got scared. Dev looks at Vishaka really angry but says nothing. Radhika goes in her room, in a state of shock. Dev is restless he yearns to go and hug her, he is stopped by his brother bu this time Dev stands still and goes to Radhika. In this state she still succeeds in telling him to go away (wow). But then Dev teary tells her that he can't, with her in this state, if he can't be by her side now then he might die as well.

Keshav is at the door and knows now for whom Radhika refused him. Later he will call Devki-ji, rad' mom to blame her that he knows everything now, what was the point of sending him there~~ Evilgrandma's other plan fails so they decide to go there themselves.

Mrinalini is upset because her plan failed, the MV won't air. Furthermore Radhika is still an issue. She overheards Vishaka on the phone with Purab and sends a SMS via the phone later to tell him that she (as VIshaka) wants to see him in the house late at night a particular day. Days pass by and Radhika still doesn't eat and all, she gets taunts from her sister (influenced by Mrinalini who told her that Radhika gave her more issues than before, she is a pain in the as, she won't let her achieve her star dream) because of her state "stop this cinema, you are forcing me to act like a caring sister, eat !".... Mrinalini and Arjun and the Uncle are conspiracing together and they come to the conclusion that Radhika is always safe thanks to Dev so their mission is to send Dev away for some time. They succeed thanks to work. Arjun fakes a indigestion and he can't go to see new fields for the new temple project, Dev has to go. Dev feels he shouldn't go and Radhika also is tensed not wanting him away from her right now but he can't and goes. The night Radhika is closing the puja place when someone grabs her hand. It's Purab.

Radhika is shocked and asks him what he is doing. He tells that he was called here and starts flirting with Radhika (he used to do that before too). Then all the lights are on and the family sees Radhika with a stranger holding her hands. [Yeah well, like "there shall be light".. paf!]. Mrinalini in action : "how dare you, immoral, alone with a guy at this time, you aren't that pure as it appears, etc..." Vishaka sees it's Purab and gets nervous. Radhika is speechless she doesn't know what to say because - like always - she doesn't want to put her sister in the light. Mrinalini then uses Vishaka's nervousness : "Tell us frankly about the other night, there was no priest right ? She was going out with this guy ? right ? right ? RIGHT ??????"

YES ! shouts Vishaka and then she incriminates her sister that she was too ashame about Radhika and was concerned about her in-laws reputation but what can she do, etc..... Radhika looks at Vishaka stunned and hurt but then she knows someone will be thrown out and it can't be Vishaka so she says that this is true [seriously what a sisterlove ~~ it's kind of turning stupid imo huh]. Dev's grandma can't believe that and isn't convinced but with all this she can't pass through and is hands tied. Mrinalini takes Radhika by force and drags her out of the house just then EvilGrandma and Devki-ji arrives and they witness that. Radhika asks that she wants at least to go pick her Kanha statue. They let her go and her mother goes with her, then she guesses it was Purab and it was for Vishaka. The mother gets angry and slapps Vishaka and feels sorry for Radhika but they go back. Evilgrandma is in heaven : "at least she finally won't stay there now".

Dev is not asleep he feels somehtings going wrong, his heart is unsettled, he decides to go back immediately. Keshav and him then early morning drives back and Dev notices someone alike Radhika is in the bus, he can't imagine it's her really. Back hom, the first thing he says is.... "Grandma, where is Radhika ?". They all have agreed not to tell him the truth and Birju shouted at Dev's brother for being so coward, staying silent while he promised he will take care of Radhika in Dev's absence. Birju also feels guilt. They tell him she went back to Vrindavan with her family, she couldn't stay here forever. Hearing that Dev is hurt "how can she.. she promised me.." He doesn't believe that and goes to Radhika's room where he notices that the necklace he gave her is lying next to the Kanha mini-temple :

"Now i know, something's wrong, she couldn't forget it here. If noone wants to tell me the truth, it's ok. i'll find about it myself. From Radhika's mouth". Determined, his hands firmy hold the necklace.

To be continued~~

radev love story, choti bahu, radhika, dev, indian soap

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